
Saturday, June 7, 2008

From the 1st Iowa Cavalry Co. D

Little Rock Arkansas,
April 22d 1864

Friend Caverly: -

I will now attempt to inform you of my whereabouts. The reason I have not done so before this, we are not assigned to any Company yet, but think that we will go in Company D, The Reg. was gone when we came here with General Steele to Shreveport on the Red River expedition. I suppose that we will start to the Reg. in a few days.

The boys are in good health that came from Clark Co. We just came off picket this morning – everything is quiet on the lines. There is not anything of importance going on at this post. The 18th of the present month will be a day long remembered by natives of this place. That was the day the Governor delivered his Address to the citizens and soldiers, and great was the rejoicing of the Darkies.

I must close.

Send me the Sentinel if you please

J. W. Miler

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, May 14, 1864

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