
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Good Place For Copperheads

The last news publises [sic] a letter from Idaho, a portion of which must be very comforting to persons of the Copperhead persuasion who contemplate emigrating to that country. The writer gives notice that there is no restraint upon Copperheads, and they can express their sentiments openly without let or hindrance. He also says that there is no recruiting there, and that a draft will not be submitted to. – Also, that there are plenty of gamblers and lots of whiskey, and bad women are on the increase. Certainly Idaho must be a very Heaven for Copperheads. No volunteering, no draft – plenty of whiskey – and can talk and do as they please – what more could a butterhead or coppertail wish? – [Keosuqua Re.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, May 14, 1864

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