
Monday, December 29, 2008

Col. Thomas W. Sweeny

The gallant Col. Thomas W. Sweeny, who, from the news just received, has again been wounded at the recent great battle at Pittsburg in the defence [sic] of his country’s flag and in the maintenance of its laws, was born in Ireland, and came to this country with his parents when about ten years of age. On the passage across the Atlantic he was washed overboard, but in the providence of God was saved. At an early aged he went to Patterson, N. J., where he was apprenticed to the printing business. He afterward came to this city, and was engaged as a compositor till the war with Mexico was declared. He was among the first to volunteer in the service of his adopted country in the capacity of Second Lieutenant. He was at the storming of Vera Cruz, and was twice wounded in the battle at the taking of the City of Mexico, losing his right arm. On Col. Sweeny’s return to this city he received the commission of Second Lieutenant, 2nd Regiment U. S. Infantry, and was soon ordered to California, where he performed many arduous duties, from which he never faltered; among the first of which was the taking a detachment of recruits in a state of disorganization across the desert, from San Diego to the interior, without losing a man. He was afterwards assigned to Fort Yumah, on the Colorado, with a command of ten men; and shut off for ten months from all communications with the settlements, and surrounded by a large band of hostile Indians, but for this watchfulness and indefatigable intrepidity would have been massacred before being relieved. From California he, with a portion of his regiment, was ordered to Fort Pierre, in Northern Nebraska, where he served as Aid to Gen. Harney; and when arduous duty was required he was always at his post. At the commencement of the rebellion Col. Sweeny was on the recruiting service, but was ordered to Newport Barracks, and soon afterward to the command of St. Louis Arsenal. This was previous to the time when Gen. Lyon took the command. He was second in command at the surrender of the notorious rebel Claib. Jackson, when Gen. Lyon being disabled by a kick from his horse, the negotiations were conducted by Col. Sweeny. He was afterward appointed Brigadier General of the Three months Missouri volunteers. Previous to the battle of Wilson’s Creek, when it was decided not to attack the Rebel General Price, Gen. Sweeny was so impressed that a retreat would be worse than a defeat, that he prevailed on Gen. Lyon to make the attack. In that battle he was again wounded and still carries the ball in his leg. At the close of the battle, when Gen. Sturgis assumed command, Gen. Sweeny was urgent in following up the retreating rebels, believing that had it been done, they would have been compelled to surrender. Gen. Sweeny is as noble and generous as he is gentlemanly and brave. Devoted entirely to his adopted country, when the rebellion broke out he expressed himself in a letter to a friend: “I will, through flood and flame, sacrifice, if necessary, any remaining limb in defence of my country’s flag.” Such merit as his is not likely to be overlooked by the Government. – {Tribune.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Tuesday, April 15, 1862

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