
Monday, December 29, 2008

War News

It appears that six of Admiral Porter’s gunboats ran by the rebel batteries last Thursday night, and are now below Vicksburg. Three Transports also attempted to run the blockade at the same time. Two of them were successful, but the third, the Henry Clay, was burned.

Our forces at Suffolk, VA, captured a rebel battery of six guns and [200] men of an Alabama regiment, on Sunday night, on the Nansemond river.

Ellet’s fleet, with the Marine Brigade, has gone up the Tennessee river to reconnoiter that stream, clean out rebel batteries that have been erected on its banks, and drive away the guerrillas who are hovering in that region.

There are now eight Monitors in Admiral Dupont’s fleet [near] Charleston and repairs are progressing which will render the fontclads stronger than they were before the late unsuccessful attack. The Monitors are reported to be still all lying near the bar of Charleston harbor.

Sherman, the Democratic candidate for Mayor of Chicago, was elected on Tuesday by a small majority.

Telegrams have been received at headquarters, that Fayetteville, Ark., was attacked on Saturday morning, by 3,000 rebels with four pieces of artillery. Our forces less than 2,000, repulsed the rebels with considerable loss. We lost 5 killed and 17 wounded.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, April 23, 1863

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