
Monday, December 15, 2008

Dinner For The Soldiers

A meeting was held at the Fremont School House on the evening of April 6th, 1864, for the purpose of making arrangements to manifest some share of the deep felt gratitude and respect for our Soldier Boys, now at home, by giving them a public dinner.

The meeting was organized by calling Capt. S. P. Glenn to the chair, and appointing B. Wolman, Secretary, after which the following resolution was passed.

Resolved, That we, the citizens of Fremont Township, Clark Co., Iowa, make a dinner at the Fremont School House for the soldiers, their wives and children, in this and adjoining townships.

1st. On motion, that the Dinner be on Saturday the 16th inst at the hour of two o’clock p.m.

2d. On motion, the following persons were appointed to act as committees: J. D. Hickman, George Harlan, and B. Wolman, committee on arrangements. T. C. Funstan, J. B. Lane, L. Wiant, and E. H. Wiley, soliciting committee. Mrs. E. H. Wiley, Mrs. G. B. Brown, Miss Nancy Harlan, Miss L. Murray, James Adams, T. S. Williams, T. W. Wells and Robert Rich, committee to wait on the table.

3d. On motion, that Mr. Jacob Rich Esq. be appointed Marshal of the day.

4th. On motion, that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Union Sentinel.

The meeting then adjourned.

B. Wolman, Sec.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, April 9, 1864

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