
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Iowa Items

The Wapsipinicon River has been very high, flooding the bottom in the vicinity of Anamosa. The bridge at that point stood the pressure very well.

Judge Harris, ex-member of the Legislature from Audubon county, has removed to Panora, Guthrie county.

C. W. Dunlap of the Mitchell county Republican, has abandoned the tripod, enlisted and gone to war.

The Jasper Free Press states that Skunk river has been higher than it has been known for years. The bridge at the mouth of Cherry creek and another bridge a few miles below, have been swept away.

Lieut. Col. Herron passed through Davenport on his way to Dubuque on the 8th. Lieut. Col. Gallighan reached his home in Davenport on the same day.

DESERVED COMPLIMENT. – A writer in the Dubuque Times speaking of the officers of the 16th regiment, says of the Major:

“Major Purcell has been tried upon the battlefield, and found to possess the qualifications for an officer. He was 1st Lieutenant in Co. C, 1st Iowa, and was wounded at Wilson Creek. He has recently recovered from his injury. He is somewhat bashful, and would seem rather reserved until you become a little acquainted, when you find him one of the best natured and most sociable men in the world.”

At the Municipal election in Iowa City, the Democrats succeeded as usual. Dubuque City has played the same characteristic trick. These two city elections will be claimed as Democratic gains; but with one exception the Mayoralty of Dubuque for the past year or two, both of these cities are in the habit of giving Democratic majorities.

The Municipal election in Keokuk resulted in the overthrow of the Sham Democracy. The Gate City says that all the candidates elected are Republicans, thus making a clean sweep.

In the skirmish at Warrensburg, Mo, between a force of Rebels and the 1st Iowa Cavalry, 8 or 10 of the rebels escaped death or capture by pretending to be dead. The stretched themselves out rigidly on the ground, and our men passed by them in full pursuit, not suspecting there was any life in the prostrate enemy. When our soldiers returned, they were astonished to find that the dead rebels had felt the power of the resurrection, and had skedaddled to a place of safety!

– Published in the Daily State Register, Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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