
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

From the 112th

In The Field, Atlanta, Ga.
July 26th, ‘64

Mr. O. White, Ed. News,

Dear Sir; – When I was at home in March last, you recollect that I told you I would subscribe for the News, but thought if I should, very few of the numbers would reach me after we left Kentucky. I did subscribe however, for a few months, and to my surprise, I have received every number, and every paper has been read by every man in Company “F,” and by a good many in Companys “B” and “E.” In fact it is read until it is entirely worn out. And now you may if you will, send it to me “during the war,” provided you will take the risk of getting paid. I have just five dollars in money, and of course cant send you any of that; but if I should have the good fortune to escape the missiles of death that our “erring brethren” are daily hurling at us, and Maj. Kennow gets around with greenbacks for the 112th, then all things shall be made right. I think I hear you say “that is a pretty risky business, but for the pleasure of the News will afford the boys I will take the risk, and book him for three years, or during the war.” Well, if I did not hear right, and you decline the risk, we will try and get along until the Maj. does come around, then we will make it come if greenbacks are legal tender in the office of the News.

On the 19th inst., the 23rd Corps, (Schofield’s) came around via Decatur, five miles east of Atlanta; drove the rebels out of that place, and turned their faces toward Atlanta. We stopped for the night about a mile from Decatur and four miles from Atlanta, entrenched ourselves and got a good night’s rest, were not disturbed by the firing of the Johnnies. On the morning of the 10th [sic] we advanced about a mile and came upon them. Our skirmishers drove theirs back very slowly. They appeared to be very stubborn, but after an hour’s skirmishing we were enabled to get a tolerable position, and formed our line. Our line fronted west and was joined by the fourth Corps, (Howard’s) their front being south and at right angles with ours. Sharp skirmishing was kept up during the day, and some artillery was used; but in our Division very few casualties occurred. On the morning of the 21st Corporal James E. Finley was shot through the thigh. Several pieces of bone were taken out, but he is doing finely. I saw him about a half an hour ago. He looked quite comfortable. I have been able to see him every day until now, but the hospital is moved two miles away, so that we will not have the opportunity of seeing him so often.

About noon our artillery made the rebel position rather uncomfortable and as soon as night came on, they left their breastworks and fell back toward Atlanta. At daylight on the morning of the 22d, about a hundred of the rebel skirmish line in our front, who hid themselves for the purpose, gave themselves up to our advancing skirmishers.

It was quite a puzzle to us to know why the rebs had given their works up so easily, but as soon as we got to them the mystery was solved; for the batteries of the 23rd Corps had been enfilading the rebel line confronting the 4th Corps, and their artillery enfiladed the line in front of us. We were now able to take a position about one mile from, and in sight of the long talked of city of Atlanta.

Our line was not yet formed when word came that the rebels were in Decatur, fighting the army of the Tennessee, in our rear (the15th, 16th and 17th Corps, commanded by McPherson.) So away went the first Brigade (ours) on the double quick, toward Decatur, to prevent the rebels from capturing our train and hospital, which were nearer to Decatur than the front. When we got there, everything was in the wildest confusion. The road was blocked up with teams, drivers were whipping and swearing at their mules, hospital attendants looked scared; but as soon as our brigade got into position, quiet again reigned in the hospital, and the poor mules ceased to hear such horrid oaths. They must have been greatful [sic] to us for thus stopping their torments. We have occupied this position ever since. The affair was a very serious one. The fight between McPherson and Hood was desperate. McPherson was killed and our loss is now put at ten thousand, killed wounded and prisoners. The rebel loss, it is said, cannot fall below fifteen thousand. They had to yield and fall back to their former position.

How long it will be before we take Atlanta, I am not going to say; but am confident we can and will do it, whenever General Sherman gives the word.

Yours Truly,
J. G. Armstrong

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, August 11, 1864

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