
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Quota

The State Register of Friday last has the following on this subject:

“Adjutant General Baker has kindly furnished us with some explanatory light on that dispatch published yesterday morning which reports Iowa deficient 13,000 men. The facts are as follows: Under the call for 500,000 men, the state has more than filled its quota. The re-enlisted regiments have not all made their returns. Under the last call for 200,000 men the quota of Iowa is 6,439. On this quota there is already a credit of 1,000 men, leaving 5,439 to be made up by recruits and re-enlistments. Iowa has never yet failed to meet the requisitions of the Government. The last call for 200,000 men will meet with a hearty and patriotic response. To say, therefore, that we are deficient 13,000 men, or even one man is an infamous slander on the State.”

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, April 9, 1864

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