
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Many anxious people in Burlington . . .

. . . were relieved yesterday, though not all. A letter was received from Major Abercrombie, settling the question very satisfactorily in regard to his safety. He was wounded, by a spent ball, but not severely. A letter was also received from Gen. Lauman. He is safe. From these letters we gather a few items not before published. – The Iowa 6th suffered severely. Captains Eisminger and White were killed, and Capt. Brydolf and Lieut. Halliday severely wounded. Lieut. Dillon of the 7th was killed. The 15th and 16th regiments had just arrived and had not pitched their tents when the battle opened. Colonels Chambers and Reed [sic] were both wounded. Gen. Lauman commanded a brigade in Hurlburt’s [sic] Division, consisting of two Indiana and two Kentucky regiments. Rev. Mr. Clark acted as his Aid-de-Camp and did his duty with coolness and bravery. Both had horses shot under them but escaped without a wound.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Thursday, April 17, 1862 & also in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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