
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Special Dispatch in the Chicago Tribune

Special Dispatch in the Chicago Tribune

Cairo, April 11, 1862

Gov. Yates arrived here this morning from Springfield, en route for Tennessee, to look after the wounded of the Illinois regiments. He was welcomed with a salute from Cairo.

The Ohio Belle came in this morning with an invoice of rebel prisoners from Island No. 10. The Ohio Bell is a secesh boat captured at the Island, and is the craft which, upon the day of the general bombardment, came around the point with rebel officers on board, reconnoitering, and was fired at by the Benton.

Cairo is filled with physician, nurses and civilians from Chicago, Springfield, Indiana and Iowa, all desirous of going up the Tennessee. The civilians will all be disappointed, as Gen. Halleck, before his departure yesterday, issued stringent orders against granting passes. The 17th Wisconsin regiment, a Chicago battery, and Coggswell’s Iowa battery arrived this morning from Benton Barracks, St. Louis.

Affairs are quiet at Island No. 10. The prisoners are rapidly being sent off. The Benton, St. Louis and Mound City are at the Island, and the Carondelet and Pittsburg at Mound City.

A large number of wounded were brought down from Pittsburg this morning to the Mound City Hospital.

– Published in the Daily State Register, Des Moines, Iowa, Thursday, April 17, 1862

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