
Saturday, February 14, 2009


Our paper this morning will be found to be rich in battle correspondence. – The interesting letters from WM. HOUSTON and MAT. LAIRD will command special attention. The paper contains direct news by letter from the Second, Thirteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Iowa Regiments. It is gratifying to know that so far as intelligence has been received, not a soldier from Polk county was killed. Three of the boys in Company D, whose names are given in another place, were reported missing. This is ominous, but we trust they have not been killed. As intimated by Mr. HOUSTON, they were probably separated from their Regiment in the confusion of the fight on Sunday and have re-appeared since. This is the most natural inference. We regret much to hear that WM. RIDDLE, Sergeant J. H. LOOBY and JOHN WATSON were badly wounded. These we learn were the only cases of dangerous injury among Des Moines boys.

– Published in the Daily State Register, Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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