
Friday, February 13, 2009

Iowa 2d Regiment

[Pittsburg, Tenn., April 9, 1862]

Mr. Dunham – Dear Sir:

It may relieve the anxiety of those who have friends in the 2d Iowa Regiment Infantry to have a list of the killed, wounded, and missing, who suffered in the terrible battle which was fought at this place on the 6th and 7th of the present month, and hence I send you the following for publication in your excellent paper. The official report may change it some what, but I think not materially. There are, no doubt, some who were struck with spent balls or received very slight injuries who are not in the list, but I think that none are omitted who were seriously injured. Some of those reported missing are perhaps dead on the field whilst others may be wounded in the hands of friends or else prisoners in the hand of the enemy:


Killed – W. W. Clark; Geo. W. Friend.

Wounded – Severly: Sergeant John Mackley, John Kepple, Joseph Conley, William Robinson. Sligthly: John Huff, Ephraim Wiley, Thomas Fehan, William Douglas, Joseph Collins.


Wounded – Severly: Capt. R. M. Littler, M. L. Thompson, H. Post. Slightly: B. Farrell, D. J. Scott, Jules Meridith.


Wounded – Severely: E. Corcoran, W. H. Sutliff, Jefferson Wooster. Slightly: Sergeant H. C. McNeal, Charles Rowan.


Missing: Austin Rush; James Crystal.

Wounded – Severely: J. H. Looby, William Riddle, R. D. Barrett. SligtlyL Capt. N. M. Mills. Sergeant Wm. Houston, Corp. L. B. Houston, Robert Byle, John Sharp.


Killed – Sergeant Amos Weimer, John C. Vaverstick, Elijah Newby.

Missing – Daniel Walmer.

Wounded – Severely: Daniel Brown, Charles Reed, John Duncan, Theodore Boggs, Reuben Coop. Slightly: Capt. J. T. McCullough, Lieut. D. B. Wislon, Henry A. Millen, James Ross, Elwood Williams, J. M. Hughes, L. T. Webster, J. J. McKee, Thomas Patton, Marion York.


Wounded – Severely: Capt. A. Wilkin, Lieut. Brawner, Sergt. W. Miller, J. W. Sullivan.


Missing – Herman D. St. John

Wounded – Severely: Capt. S. A. Moor, Chas. E. Dunn. Slightly; John Denmuth, Davis Proctor, Burr Vurmilia.


Wounded – Severely: Lieut. Scofield, Thams Curren, Henry Russell, J. N. Hamill.


Killed – Corporal Cooly

Wounded – Severely: Capt. H. P. Cox, Sergt. S. L. Tull, Corp. H. Rogers, John Luellen, John S. Herwick, George G. Whttler, William F. Gauger, Corp. F. Daily, George F. Cook, H. A. Smiley, William H. Laird. W. F. Robins, Wm. Robinson, Charesl Reader, George Mescher.


Killed – Lieut. Oling

Wounded – Severely: Lieut. John E. Molby. – Slightly: W. H. Henderson.

Yours, truly,
A. Axline,
Chaplain 2d Iowa Reg’t Infantry.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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