
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cairo, April, 15.

The killed and wounded of Pittsburg Landing of three Iowa regiments, mostly officers were as follows:

Second Regiment – Col. Tuttle. Capt. Littler, right arm amputated, co B; Co. F, Capt. Wilken, wounded in the left arm; Co G, Capt. Moore wounded in both legs; Co. I, Capt. Cox, wounded in the thigh; Lieut. Schofield, wounded in the thigh; Co. F. Lieut. Browner, wounded in the side.

The number of killed in this regiment was seven; number of wounded seventy-two; missing five.

Sixth Regiment – Col. McDowell, Lieut. Col. Cummins commanding Co B, Capt. Isemanger, Killed; Co. K, Capt. White, killed; Co. G, Capt. Williams, wounded badly; Co. I, Capt. Brydolf, wounded badly; First Lieut. Halliday, severely wounded in the thigh; Co. F, Second Lieut. Grimes, wounded slightly.

Thirteenth Regiment – Co. A – Privates A. McAferty, Geo. M. Doty, A. S. Brown, S. A. Rundell, killed; Co. B – Second Lieut. E. D. Duncan, Sergt. N. H. Johnson; privates William Hart, W. H. Knapp, Geo. McKeever, A. Peastordy, killed; Co. C – Corp. F. J. Holmes; privates A. Malone, C. T. Dooley, Jesse Wells, killed; Co. D. – Private Geo. Tickey, killed; Co. E – Corp. J. Melton, private S. D. Allen, killed; Co. G – private Samuel Martin, killed; Co. H – Corp. C. Van Voorhies, private H. B. Niley, killed; Co. I – Privates Jos. Park, T. P. Ailworth, killed; Co. K – private David Knouss, killed.

The field officers of this regiment wounded are Lieut. Col. M. M. Price, slightly; Major John Shanney, in the arm badly; Surg. J. McKee, slightly; Capt. Thomas H. Miller, co B, slightly; 1st Lieut. H. E. Shultz, co E, in the leg, severely; 2nd Lieut. John Watson, co. F, since dead; 2nd Lieut. S Compton, co G, slightly; 2d Lieut. S. D. Cook, co K, slightly; 2d Lieut. B. B. Sherman, co E, severely.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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