
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Letter From J. C. Bonar

Nashville, Tenn.
Dec. 5th 1864

Dear Parents:

Through the mercy of God I am again [permitted] to pen you a few lines for your [perusal].

Hood’s forces, estimated at seventy-five thousand, are fortifying within three miles of this place; we’ve been shelling them a little to day. We have excellent works; in front of our breast works we have stakes driven in the ground between which we have piles hedge making such an obstruction that it will be useless for the rebs to attempt a charge. We have 3 corps here. The 4th A. C. commanded by General Stanly and the 16th by General Smith, and the 23d by General Schofield. General Thomas commanding the whole of about 50,000 men. The 14th, 15th, 17th and 20th A. C.’s are with Sherman. I am now on detached duty, would a [illegible] rather be with the boys, but that is impossible. We expect an attack every hour. The cannon are beginning to boom. Write when convenient. More anon.

Yours &c.

J. C. Bonar

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Friday, December 16, 1864

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