
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

From Yorktown

YORKTOWN, April 12. – McClellan has written a letter complimenting the Maine and Berdan sharp shooters, the latter now doing picket duty in from of the enemy’s works.

Capt. Spaulding of the 11th Michigan cavalry, was wounded on Thursday, being shot in the shoulder.

YORKTOWN, April 13. – On Friday about 300 of the 12th N.Y. volunteers on picket duty were attacked by a rebel regiment, but after a volley from the 12th the rebels retreated, having several killed and wounded.

Later in the day the rebels advanced in considerable numbers from another point, driving in our entire pickets, and burning a dwelling that has been used by our troops.

During both skirmishes we had three men slightly wounded.

The 57th and [63rd] Pennsylvania regiments had a skirmish with the enemy on Friday, in which they had two killed and four wounded.

A balloon was sent up from the rebel lines this morning.

For the first time weather and roads are improving.

No artillery firing on either side yesterday.

The Army is engaged in preparations for advancing.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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