
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Messrs. Looby & Riddle

A day or two since, Mrs. J. H. LOOBY received a letter from her husband which contained the gratifying information that his wound was healing, and that he would be able in a few days to start for home. He was at Louisville, when he wrote. Mr. Looby had a hard time of it. He, with William Riddle of the same company, was wounded on Sunday, and was unable to keep up with the Regiment. Hey remained on the ground, suffering from their wounds and exposed to the brutality of the rebels, until the repulse of the enemy on the next day, when they were found by their friends and cared for. Riddle was also taken to Louisville. We think that the report of his death which has been circulating about town, is without foundation.

– Published in the Daily State Register, Des Moines, Iowa, Thursday, April 24, 1862

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