
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Special to New York Papers

NEW YORK, April 16 – Specials state that the object of the French Minister’s visit to Richmond is to assert the right of French merchants to large quantities of tobacco in the hands of the rebels.

{Tribune’s Dispatch}

WASHINGTON, April 16. – The Finance Committee of the Senate have done nothing respecting the tax bill. At their session yesterday and to-day they occupied all the time that was left them by the numerous committees providing the exemption of this and that interest from taxation. Senators say that the bill will go to the House within a week after it comes from the committee.

The rumor is general that Secretary Stanton has resigned in consequence of difference of opinion between him and the president touching the movements of troops.

Every day new barbarities perpetrated by the rebels come to light. This week two soldiers who had straggled from the ranks on the march from Manassas to Callets were found, it is reported on creditable authority, by the roadside with their throats cut form ear to ear.

The form bill is promised speedily from the Ways and Means committee.

Intercepted letters from Fredericksburg state that the rebel force at and near that place number nearly 20,000. They are in constant motion.

{Herald’s Dispatch}

There are strong indications of important changes in the Cabinet within a few days.

Congress has at least begun to take notice of the censorship exercised over the press. There are indications that it will speedily be abolished or modified.

- Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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