
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Washington News

WASHINGTON, April 16. – The Navy Department has invited propositions by mail or telegraph to the 30th inst. at noon, with general specifications and plans for the construction of one or more gunboats for the Mississippi and Gulf service, with two turrets on the plan of the Ericcson battery, for eleven inch guns, thickness of the iron plates to be eight inches, the sides to be plated with iron of three inches thickness, in two layers, to extend two and a half feet below the water; the vessels not to be less than 220 feet in length and 56 feet in breadth, and not to draw over 6 feet of water when loaded and ready for service – to be propelled by screws – to insure a speed of nine knots or sea miles through the water per hour, and state time and price.

The Secretary of the Treasury, it is said, has decided to redeem 20 per cent. in cash of certificates of indebtedness issued before the 7th inst. It is thought he will receive forty percent. Additional of these certificates in payment of the bonds he may thereafter sell.

- Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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