
Saturday, June 6, 2009


Friday morning week, the ferryboat while in the act of landing at the west end of the bridge, opposite this place, filled and went down. The contents of the boat were, we believe, a wagon – loaded with movers’ goods – two horses two men, two women and three children, besides the boat hands. Happily no lives were lost – two of the children being saved by the heroic exertions of the father, he swimming with a child in each hand, a considerable distance before being rescued. By what means the remaining persons were relieved from their perilous situation, we have not learned. The wagon, said to be of little value, lost. The team, and the principal part of the goods with which the wagon was loaded, were saved. – {Eddyville Star.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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