
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friend Claggett, of the Keokuk Constitution . . .

. . . devotes more than a column to the small article of fifteen lines on currency printed in this paper the other day, and takes occasion to ask us several questions touching law, finance, paper money, coin, &c. We refer him back to that article. If his questions are not answered in that he can infer that we cannot answer them. We said all we had to say and ventilated all our stock of knowledge in that short article, and if we know ourself, as we think we do, we shall not bore our readers with any repetitions or reiterations. He is entirely welcome to have it all his own way. In the mean time if he is really anxious for information on currency and finance he is certainly in a fair way of acquiring it practically. If he continues a year in the newspaper business he will learn a good many things that will be of use to him if he survives. And this is the only kind of teaching that will ever reach his case.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Saturday, April 10, 1862

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