
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Company “H,” of the 6th Iowa Regiment

EDITOR GATE CITY:– Will you please publish for the information of relatives and friends, the following list of killed, wounded and missing from our company, in the severe engagement of Sunday and Monday last:

Killed – Corporal T. Huffard; Privates, Henry W. Smith and Geo. Knuck.

Wounded – Privates Wm Spain, in breast fatally, Albert M. Smith, John W. Hufford, in thigh severely, Sanford P. Burke, in arm severely; Sergeant John A. Martin, wounded and prisoner; Privates James Swan, slightly; Joseph Anderson, slightly, James S. Ortman, leg slightly, Jesse Carter, slightly, Peter Robinson, slightly, Daniel Fitz Henry, wounded and prisoner.

Missing – Sergeants A. B. Stevens, John McClary; Musician Wm. H. Price; Privates John Carrol, Harvey Kite, probably dead, William Church, James A. Cole, F. T. Scott, Charles Hass; Corporal Henry M. Barnes; Captain Washington Galland.

The smoke has hardly cleared away and several of the missing may be wounded. I will transmit a correct list as soon as possible.

That our comrades have fallen were the hail fell thickest in the defense of free institutions, and that it was the will of Him who “doeth all things well,” is the only consolation I can offer to their afflicted families in their sad bereavement.

Truly Yours,
W. H. Clune
Lt. Comd’g Co. H, 6th Iowa.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 1

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