
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

General Pope’s Column

Congratulations for Island No. 10.

CAIRO, April 11.

The following general order was read at the head of every command in Gen. Pope’s army at New Madrid, last evening, and created the wildest enthusiasm:

NEW MADRID, April 10, 1862.

General Order No. 8.

The following dispatch from Maj. Gen. Halleck, commanding this department has been received, and with this order will be published at the head of every regiment and detachment of this command:

“ST. LOUIS, April 8, 1862.

“To Major General Pope:

“I congratulate you and your command on your splendid achievement. It exceeds in boldness and brilliancy all other operations of this war. It will be memorable in military history, admired by future generations. You deserve well of your country.

Major General Commanding.”

The General has but little to add in this dispatch. The conduct of the troops was splendid throughout; it was precisely what he expected. To such an army nothing is impossible, and the General commanding hopes yet to lead them to some field where superiority of numbers will tempt the enemy to give them an opportunity to win the glory which they are so capable of achieving.

The regiments and battalions of this command will inscribe on their flags “New Madrid and Island Ten.”

Major General Commanding.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 16, 1862, p. 2

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