KEOKUK, Easter Sunday.
Dear Sir: I have not been able to write you hitherto in consequence of press of business; but I know, though in much haste, snatch a moment to give you a little information that may be of interest. I arrived at St. Louis in company with Dr. Hughes, on Tuesday morning, when we waited on Dr. Wright, the Medical Director at that post, who assigned me to assist Dr. McGogin at the Fourth Street Hospital. I however found time to visit the other principle hospitals in the city, and make out a list of the sick and wounded Iowa soldiers that I found there. There are one or two other places for the reception of the sick there, but I was told there were only a few old chronic cases in them, and my time did not allow me to see them. The lists I send you contain the names of nearly all the sick and all the wounded at St. Louis belong to Iowa regiments. The day before yesterday I was ordered to proceed on board the above steamer to assist in taking charge of the Wounded, &c., who were sent up to the hospital now established at this point, where we have just arrived. The “Estes House” is engaged as a hospital to which place they are now conveying the poor fellows as fast as possible. We had about 300 on board for this place, who will be under the charge of Dr. Hughes, assisted by Dr. Hamline, of Mt. Pleasant, and myself. I need not consume your time or my own in talking about the nature of the cases, for they are of course of all kinds; neither need I enter upon a detail of the casualties, &c., that have occurred among our State Troops, that I have gleaned by conversing with the men as I doubt not you have heard of them from other and more reliable sources. I will however mention one rather touching incident that happened a few days ago on board this boat. A young woman from St. Louis had accompanied her husband, a soldier, to the scene of action. Upon the sudden assault on our lines, he rushed out of his tent to join his regiment, leaving his young wife in the tent. The poor fellow fell, killed early in the action, and a bullet passed through the tent slightly wounding his wife in the breast. She did not, however, know of the fate of her husband when she came on board the boat, but expected to meet him at St. Louis. Two days ago she was indiscreetly told of his death, when the shock to her feelings occasioned the rather premature birth of her first child, who, with the mother, I am happy to say is doing well. Poor thing, God help them!
I ought to apologize for my scrawls, but as part of the list was copied off on board while under way, and this is written in great hasted and with a shocking pen you must excuse.
Yours truly, PHILIP HARVEY
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers on board the hospital boat “Empress,” bound for Keokuk, Iowa:
David J Palmer, (Corp) gun shot wound, co. C, 8th regt; W Logan, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; J M Williams, amputated arm, co F, 8th regt; Jacob Walker, gun shot wound, co B, 8th regt; Amos Merritt, gunshot wound, co B, 8th regt; J L Christian, gunshot wound, co. B, 8th regt; Jacob Harr, gun shot wound, co. G, 8th regt; Chas Fox, gunshot wound, co. I, 8th Regt; Julius Gardner, gun shot wound, co D, 8th regt; J L Billings, gunshot wound, co. H, 8th regt; J F Boyer, gastrics, co. C, 8th regt; E B Plumb, (Lieut) pleurisy, co. C, 8th regt; Luther Calvin, gun shot wound, co. H. 8th regt, Maxon Ogan, gunshot wound and fractured leg, co. D, 8th regt; John Cochran, gun shot wound, co F, 8th regt; Jas Marshall, gun shot wound, leg amputated, co. C, 8th regt; Malvin Dean, gun shot wound, co. E, 8th regt; Elias Blizzard, gunshot wound, co H, 8th regt; Jas L Davis, gun shot wound, co. H, 8th regt; B F Wolfe, (Corp) gun shot wound, co. E, 8th regt; John A Rowan, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; G M McCulloch, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; Fellman Scott, sick, (died April 16th) co. H, 6th regt; Commodore Norris, gun shot wound, co. I, 8th regt; Z Blakely gun shot wound, co. D, 8th regt; Randolf Murray, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; Mathew Mahoney, diseased leg, co. C, 8th regt; Michael Glenn, gun shot wound, co. C, 8th regt; Jas G Day, gun shot wound, co I, 15th regt, Daniel Welsh, gun shot wound, co. A, 15th regt; Geo H Kuhn, gun shot wound, co. I, 15th regt; Alfred Wilcox, gun shot wound, co. K, 15th regt; Wm H Laid, gun shot wound, co. I, 2d regt; H Burcell, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; G De Hart, gun shot wound, co. A, 15th regt; S P Angry, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; N M Larimer, ague, co. B, 6th regt; Jas Clark, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; Henry Elmer, gun shot wound, co D, 15th regt; J L. Warner, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; C L Kirk, gun shot wound, co C, 15th regt; H B Wyatt, gun shot wound and fever, co. K, 15th regt; Archibald McGee, gun shot wound, co. F, 15th regt; Chas E Dunn, gun shot wound, co G, 2d regt; J H Stanley, gun shot wound, co. C, 13th regt; John Johnson, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; J W Ellis, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; J T Tumblier, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; D Hoff, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; James White, gun shot wound, co. G, 15th regt; J M Youngblood, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; J M Long, gun shot wound, co. K, 15th regt, W F Grove, gun shot wound, co. D, 15th regt; A Clark, gun shot wound and fever; Milton Pottroff, gun shot wound, co. I, 15th Regt; M N Humbiers, amputated arm, co. G, 15th regt; Levi Randal, gun shot wound, co. K, 15th regt; Victor Porter, Pen davis, R Clugman, and Morris Falsley of co E, 15th regt, gun shot wounds; Jas Johnson, pneumonia, co C, 6th regt; H G Vincent, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; W H Vanlandenham, gun shot wound, co. C, 7th regt; Levi S. Hatton, gun shot wound, co. E, 6th regt; R M Littler, (Capt) amputated arm, co. B, 2d regt; J L Cole, gun shot wound, co B, 16th regt; Marion Raburn, gun shot wound 15th regt.
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers at the Fourth street Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., April 16, 1862:
Frank Keyser, gun shot wound in chest, co. K, 12th; Sam’l Plattenburg, gun shot wound in ankle, co. F, 12th; Robert C Cowell, gun shot wound in arm, Jno M Clark, gun shot wound in hip, and Edwin H Bailey, gunshot bruise, of co. D 12th; Lieut. M P Benton, fever, (convalescent,) co B, 8th; Ben T Smith, dysentery, (convalescent) co. A, 8th; Robert Denbow, fever, (convalescent,) co. D, 5th; Chas Walrath, dysentery, co. K, 5th; Wm R Peters, debility, co. E, 5th; Wm Phillips, gun shot wound, (slight) co. H, 8th; Ad Bowers, small pox, co. G, 12th; Jas Hall, pneumonia, co F, 14th; Seldon Kirkpatrick, debility, co. E, 2d; Oscar Ford, lumbago, co. A, 8th; Melvin Hempstead, debility, co. F, 12th; Robert A Bennett, chronic [diarrhea], co. D, 2d; Fred’k Maggons, billous fever, co F, 8th; David H Goodwin, debility, co. H, 8th; Wm H Cowman, pneumonia, co, E, 8th; Edw’d M Manning, gun shot wound, co. B, 2d; Joseph Reynolds, chronic bronchitis, co. C, 8th; V G Williams, gun shot wound, co. K, 6th; Elisha Gardner, do, co. F, 6th; Thomas Fullerton, do, co. E, 6th; Thos H Morris, do, co. B, 6th; Joseph Conway, do, co. A, 2d; Wm H H Renfro, do, co. F, 16th; John L Cook, do, (in jaw) co. K, 6th; Andrew Lirson, do, co. H. 8th; Frank N Crull, do, co. H, 8th; Andrew Byers, do, co. A, 6th; Clark Tripp, do, co. F, 6th; John A Clark, do, co. A, 6th; John T Tichenor, do, co. B, 8th; Lieut L E Bunder, do, co B, 16th; A S Fuller, do, co. G, 12th; Wm H Swan, do, co. G, 3d; Isaac G Clark, do, co. D, 12th; Horace E Cranal, do, co. D, 3d; Wm H Bowers, do, co. C, 12th; A Biller, injured ankle, co. E, 12th; S W Larrabee, gun shot wound, co. K, 12th; Thos Spain, do, co. H, 12th; O Derney, do, co. B, 12th; Thos Quivey, chronic diarrhea, co. C., 12th; James H brown, general debility, co. G, 12th; J W Christ, do, co. H, 12th.
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers in the Fifth street Hospital, St. Louis, April 16, 1862.
Casper Brady, Gun shot wound, co. D, 2d; W H Royston, do, co. C, 2d, V Hall, pneumonia, co. G, 12th; Joel Woods, typhoid fever, co. I, 12th; Jno Hartman, gun shot wound, co. I, 6th; D H Collins, diarrhea, co. A, 11th; Geo. Godfrey, gun shot wound, co. H, 3d; M H Stone, do, co. H, 7th; Thomas B McHenry, do, co. K, 8th; E Chrisenden, do, co. E, 11th; E J Campbell, do, co. C, 11th; W S Whitmore, do, co. E, 6th; K L Miller, do, co. I, 11th; Henry Joules, do, co. B, 12th; Alex Presho, do, co. H, 12th; Charles W Henderson, do, co. H, 3d; Ellison Hess, do, co. B, 6th; J W Scranton, do, co. H, 16th; E A Ward, do, co. H, 12th; John Boardman, do, co. D, 6th; J W Conville, do, co. D, 14th; Geo. Reed, do, co. C, 6th; John Kepper, do, co. A, 2d; Wm Butler, do, co. E, 16th; G F Stratton, do, G B Summers, do, and J K Moray, do, of co. D, 6th; WF Green, do, co. G, 6th; Kennith Kaster, do, co. H, 16th; John Marion, do, co. A, 13th; Jno S Heubich, do, co, I, 2nd; Jasper H Smith, do, co. A, 16th; Penny L Foot, do, co. G, 6th; Perry C Kinney, do, co. F, 12th; Thos Townsend, do and Wm Arnold, do, of co. K, 6th; Jno H Talbot, do, co. H, 3d; Charles Johnson, do, co. E, 12th; Thos Smith, do, co. E, 6th; Joseph Pattee, do, co. F, 6th; Jacob Harney, do, co. E, 12th; Jno Multon, do, co. K, 12th; Jos J Learaway, do, co. A, 12; S J Burns, do, co. A, 9th; J F Lyon, do, co. H, 8th; Patrick Larkin, do, co. H, 3d, P B Halverson, do, and G Kunvertin, do, co. D, 3d.
List of Sick and wounded Iowa soldiers at the Seventh street Hospital, St. Louis, April 17th, 1862:
Benj. Esley, rheumatism, co. H. 15th; Hardy Clayton, gun shot wound in thigh, co. F, 12th; Wm Cox, do, jaw fractured, co. F, 3d; Geo H Kelley, do, across the shoulders, co. D, 2d; M Kellogg, do, fractured arm, co. D, 3d; J H. Cobb, (musician) do, back, slight, co. I, 11th; William Kerr, (corp.) do, head, slight, co H, 11th; Orson Adams, do, arm fractured, co. B, 12th; A T Gardner, diarrhea, co. H, 12th W D Carpenter, measles, co. F, 16th; J Carpenter, gun shot wound, neck, slight, co. F, 16th; H D Carpenter, do, leg, slight, co. F, 16th; S P Plummer, do, arm, slightly, co. A, 6th; T Eaton, do, hand at Donelson, co., I, 12th; A Larson, diarrhea, co. B, 12th; Seth Paup, fever, co. I, 12th; Marion Rolf, (corp) fever, co. I, 12th; Garry Green, do, (convalescent) co. I, 12th; J L Dupray, (Sargt) dislocated ankle, (convalescent) co. I, 12th; Wm Maynard, gun shot wound, shoulder, slight, co. B, 12th; Wm. Spates, pneumonia, co. C, 15th; Wm McCord, consumptive, co. F, 15th; Daniel Clark, pneumonia, (convalescent) Engineer.
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers at the House of Refuge, St. Louis, April 17, [1862]:
A W Grainger, serg, rheumatism, co A, 7th; B Bryant, sick since Jan 16, co B, 7th; H Dobbins, sick since Jan 25, co A, 12th; William J. Blades, compound fracture of leg, co M, 3d cav; Maurice Askern, sick since Jan 16, co K, 3d cav; Francis L Elliott, general debility, co H, 2d; W J Gladwin, hernia; F C Flinn, rheumatism, co F, 2d; G W Greenough, pneumonia, co I, 2d; Joseph James, debility, co I, 3d; Fred Dose, gun shot wound in leg, at Wilson’s creek, co G, 1st S Durham, chronic diarrhea, co C, 6th; C C Wilson, pneumonia, co B, 12th; Martin Halleck, erysipelas, co E, 5th; H D Lynes, pneumonia, co A, 3d cav; James A Howard, arm amputated, co B, 2d; Robert B Partridge, pneumonia, co E, 2d; Edward J Taylor, gun shot wound in hand (Belmont) co B, 7th; Geo M McMurray, typhoid, co G 2d.
The above are all cases prior to April 1st, 1862.
The Following occurred subsequently:
Wm Murphy, pneumonia, co M, 3d cav; Wm Hines, pneumonia, co D, 8th, Albert Boyler, ague, Nich Zachans, gun shot wound in leg, co E 15th, Lyman Drake, ague, co H, 15th; Geo Parker, Catarrh, co K, 2d; Wm Dougherty, gun shot wound, co I, 8th; Wm Turner, do do; Wm Rogan, gun shot wound in leg, slight, co D, 2d; H G Tieman, do, co G, 16th; W Aurlong, do, co H, 5th; Jno. F Reynolds, pneumonia, co D, 6th; Geo McMurry, fever, co G; Cyrus Treater, do co C; Robt Lock, do co e, 2d; chas Stearns, dysentery, co A, 8th; Geo Wright, fever, co D 16th; Thos Lenchan, do co B, 15th; Sebra Howard, fever, co I, 2d regt; Francis Clair, chronic rheumatism, co C, 7th; Chris. A Russell, debility, co D, 4th cavalry; Wm R. Peters, do 5th infantry co E; Richard Martin, do co D, 12th; Robert A Bennett, do co D, 2d; Wm. A. Meeker, fracture, co A, 11th; Edward I Taylor, corp. gunshot wound, co B 7; Wm H. Alexander, hepatitis, co F, 13th reg’t. Elisha cook, debility co D 15th; Martin B Meter, pneumonia, co H 15th, Grastus Nordyke, fracture, co A 15th; David Ditch, chronic diarrhea, co D, 5th; H Hansyel, chronic rheumatism co C, 15th; Benjamin Zane, gun shot wound in [leg], co H, 3d, James M. Allen, gun shot wound in thigh; James M Ripley, do, co H 11th; John H Zollner, do, foot, co. H, 11th, Wm A. Gordon, do, sick, co. H, 11th; Thomas C Nelson, sick, co. F, 12th, Geo Kint, sick, co. F, 12th; B K Wintermute, gun shot wound, co H, 11th; Isaac E Cooper, do, co. K, 11th; James N Hamiel, do, in leg, co. H, 2d.
– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 1
KEOKUK, Easter Sunday.
Dear Sir: I have not been able to write you hitherto in consequence of press of business; but I know, though in much haste, snatch a moment to give you a little information that may be of interest. I arrived at St. Louis in company with Dr. Hughes, on Tuesday morning, when we waited on Dr. Wright, the Medical Director at that post, who assigned me to assist Dr. McGogin at the Fourth Street Hospital. I however found time to visit the other principle hospitals in the city, and make out a list of the sick and wounded Iowa soldiers that I found there. There are one or two other places for the reception of the sick there, but I was told there were only a few old chronic cases in them, and my time did not allow me to see them. The lists I send you contain the names of nearly all the sick and all the wounded at St. Louis belong to Iowa regiments. The day before yesterday I was ordered to proceed on board the above steamer to assist in taking charge of the Wounded, &c., who were sent up to the hospital now established at this point, where we have just arrived. The “Estes House” is engaged as a hospital to which place they are now conveying the poor fellows as fast as possible. We had about 300 on board for this place, who will be under the charge of Dr. Hughes, assisted by Dr. Hamline, of Mt. Pleasant, and myself. I need not consume your time or my own in talking about the nature of the cases, for they are of course of all kinds; neither need I enter upon a detail of the casualties, &c., that have occurred among our State Troops, that I have gleaned by conversing with the men as I doubt not you have heard of them from other and more reliable sources. I will however mention one rather touching incident that happened a few days ago on board this boat. A young woman from St. Louis had accompanied her husband, a soldier, to the scene of action. Upon the sudden assault on our lines, he rushed out of his tent to join his regiment, leaving his young wife in the tent. The poor fellow fell, killed early in the action, and a bullet passed through the tent slightly wounding his wife in the breast. She did not, however, know of the fate of her husband when she came on board the boat, but expected to meet him at St. Louis. Two days ago she was indiscreetly told of his death, when the shock to her feelings occasioned the rather premature birth of her first child, who, with the mother, I am happy to say is doing well. Poor thing, God help them!
I ought to apologize for my scrawls, but as part of the list was copied off on board while under way, and this is written in great hasted and with a shocking pen you must excuse.
Yours truly, PHILIP HARVEY
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers on board the hospital boat “Empress,” bound for Keokuk, Iowa:
David J Palmer, (Corp) gun shot wound, co. C, 8th regt; W Logan, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; J M Williams, amputated arm, co F, 8th regt; Jacob Walker, gun shot wound, co B, 8th regt; Amos Merritt, gunshot wound, co B, 8th regt; J L Christian, gunshot wound, co. B, 8th regt; Jacob Harr, gun shot wound, co. G, 8th regt; Chas Fox, gunshot wound, co. I, 8th Regt; Julius Gardner, gun shot wound, co D, 8th regt; J L Billings, gunshot wound, co. H, 8th regt; J F Boyer, gastrics, co. C, 8th regt; E B Plumb, (Lieut) pleurisy, co. C, 8th regt; Luther Calvin, gun shot wound, co. H. 8th regt, Maxon Ogan, gunshot wound and fractured leg, co. D, 8th regt; John Cochran, gun shot wound, co F, 8th regt; Jas Marshall, gun shot wound, leg amputated, co. C, 8th regt; Malvin Dean, gun shot wound, co. E, 8th regt; Elias Blizzard, gunshot wound, co H, 8th regt; Jas L Davis, gun shot wound, co. H, 8th regt; B F Wolfe, (Corp) gun shot wound, co. E, 8th regt; John A Rowan, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; G M McCulloch, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; Fellman Scott, sick, (died April 16th) co. H, 6th regt; Commodore Norris, gun shot wound, co. I, 8th regt; Z Blakely gun shot wound, co. D, 8th regt; Randolf Murray, gun shot wound, co. B, 8th regt; Mathew Mahoney, diseased leg, co. C, 8th regt; Michael Glenn, gun shot wound, co. C, 8th regt; Jas G Day, gun shot wound, co I, 15th regt, Daniel Welsh, gun shot wound, co. A, 15th regt; Geo H Kuhn, gun shot wound, co. I, 15th regt; Alfred Wilcox, gun shot wound, co. K, 15th regt; Wm H Laid, gun shot wound, co. I, 2d regt; H Burcell, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; G De Hart, gun shot wound, co. A, 15th regt; S P Angry, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; N M Larimer, ague, co. B, 6th regt; Jas Clark, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; Henry Elmer, gun shot wound, co D, 15th regt; J L. Warner, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; C L Kirk, gun shot wound, co C, 15th regt; H B Wyatt, gun shot wound and fever, co. K, 15th regt; Archibald McGee, gun shot wound, co. F, 15th regt; Chas E Dunn, gun shot wound, co G, 2d regt; J H Stanley, gun shot wound, co. C, 13th regt; John Johnson, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; J W Ellis, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; J T Tumblier, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; D Hoff, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; James White, gun shot wound, co. G, 15th regt; J M Youngblood, gun shot wound, co. C, 15th regt; J M Long, gun shot wound, co. K, 15th regt, W F Grove, gun shot wound, co. D, 15th regt; A Clark, gun shot wound and fever; Milton Pottroff, gun shot wound, co. I, 15th Regt; M N Humbiers, amputated arm, co. G, 15th regt; Levi Randal, gun shot wound, co. K, 15th regt; Victor Porter, Pen davis, R Clugman, and Morris Falsley of co E, 15th regt, gun shot wounds; Jas Johnson, pneumonia, co C, 6th regt; H G Vincent, gun shot wound, co. H, 15th regt; W H Vanlandenham, gun shot wound, co. C, 7th regt; Levi S. Hatton, gun shot wound, co. E, 6th regt; R M Littler, (Capt) amputated arm, co. B, 2d regt; J L Cole, gun shot wound, co B, 16th regt; Marion Raburn, gun shot wound 15th regt.
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers at the Fourth street Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., April 16, 1862:
Frank Keyser, gun shot wound in chest, co. K, 12th; Sam’l Plattenburg, gun shot wound in ankle, co. F, 12th; Robert C Cowell, gun shot wound in arm, Jno M Clark, gun shot wound in hip, and Edwin H Bailey, gunshot bruise, of co. D 12th; Lieut. M P Benton, fever, (convalescent,) co B, 8th; Ben T Smith, dysentery, (convalescent) co. A, 8th; Robert Denbow, fever, (convalescent,) co. D, 5th; Chas Walrath, dysentery, co. K, 5th; Wm R Peters, debility, co. E, 5th; Wm Phillips, gun shot wound, (slight) co. H, 8th; Ad Bowers, small pox, co. G, 12th; Jas Hall, pneumonia, co F, 14th; Seldon Kirkpatrick, debility, co. E, 2d; Oscar Ford, lumbago, co. A, 8th; Melvin Hempstead, debility, co. F, 12th; Robert A Bennett, chronic [diarrhea], co. D, 2d; Fred’k Maggons, billous fever, co F, 8th; David H Goodwin, debility, co. H, 8th; Wm H Cowman, pneumonia, co, E, 8th; Edw’d M Manning, gun shot wound, co. B, 2d; Joseph Reynolds, chronic bronchitis, co. C, 8th; V G Williams, gun shot wound, co. K, 6th; Elisha Gardner, do, co. F, 6th; Thomas Fullerton, do, co. E, 6th; Thos H Morris, do, co. B, 6th; Joseph Conway, do, co. A, 2d; Wm H H Renfro, do, co. F, 16th; John L Cook, do, (in jaw) co. K, 6th; Andrew Lirson, do, co. H. 8th; Frank N Crull, do, co. H, 8th; Andrew Byers, do, co. A, 6th; Clark Tripp, do, co. F, 6th; John A Clark, do, co. A, 6th; John T Tichenor, do, co. B, 8th; Lieut L E Bunder, do, co B, 16th; A S Fuller, do, co. G, 12th; Wm H Swan, do, co. G, 3d; Isaac G Clark, do, co. D, 12th; Horace E Cranal, do, co. D, 3d; Wm H Bowers, do, co. C, 12th; A Biller, injured ankle, co. E, 12th; S W Larrabee, gun shot wound, co. K, 12th; Thos Spain, do, co. H, 12th; O Derney, do, co. B, 12th; Thos Quivey, chronic diarrhea, co. C., 12th; James H brown, general debility, co. G, 12th; J W Christ, do, co. H, 12th.
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers in the Fifth street Hospital, St. Louis, April 16, 1862.
Casper Brady, Gun shot wound, co. D, 2d; W H Royston, do, co. C, 2d, V Hall, pneumonia, co. G, 12th; Joel Woods, typhoid fever, co. I, 12th; Jno Hartman, gun shot wound, co. I, 6th; D H Collins, diarrhea, co. A, 11th; Geo. Godfrey, gun shot wound, co. H, 3d; M H Stone, do, co. H, 7th; Thomas B McHenry, do, co. K, 8th; E Chrisenden, do, co. E, 11th; E J Campbell, do, co. C, 11th; W S Whitmore, do, co. E, 6th; K L Miller, do, co. I, 11th; Henry Joules, do, co. B, 12th; Alex Presho, do, co. H, 12th; Charles W Henderson, do, co. H, 3d; Ellison Hess, do, co. B, 6th; J W Scranton, do, co. H, 16th; E A Ward, do, co. H, 12th; John Boardman, do, co. D, 6th; J W Conville, do, co. D, 14th; Geo. Reed, do, co. C, 6th; John Kepper, do, co. A, 2d; Wm Butler, do, co. E, 16th; G F Stratton, do, G B Summers, do, and J K Moray, do, of co. D, 6th; WF Green, do, co. G, 6th; Kennith Kaster, do, co. H, 16th; John Marion, do, co. A, 13th; Jno S Heubich, do, co, I, 2nd; Jasper H Smith, do, co. A, 16th; Penny L Foot, do, co. G, 6th; Perry C Kinney, do, co. F, 12th; Thos Townsend, do and Wm Arnold, do, of co. K, 6th; Jno H Talbot, do, co. H, 3d; Charles Johnson, do, co. E, 12th; Thos Smith, do, co. E, 6th; Joseph Pattee, do, co. F, 6th; Jacob Harney, do, co. E, 12th; Jno Multon, do, co. K, 12th; Jos J Learaway, do, co. A, 12; S J Burns, do, co. A, 9th; J F Lyon, do, co. H, 8th; Patrick Larkin, do, co. H, 3d, P B Halverson, do, and G Kunvertin, do, co. D, 3d.
List of Sick and wounded Iowa soldiers at the Seventh street Hospital, St. Louis, April 17th, 1862:
Benj. Esley, rheumatism, co. H. 15th; Hardy Clayton, gun shot wound in thigh, co. F, 12th; Wm Cox, do, jaw fractured, co. F, 3d; Geo H Kelley, do, across the shoulders, co. D, 2d; M Kellogg, do, fractured arm, co. D, 3d; J H. Cobb, (musician) do, back, slight, co. I, 11th; William Kerr, (corp.) do, head, slight, co H, 11th; Orson Adams, do, arm fractured, co. B, 12th; A T Gardner, diarrhea, co. H, 12th W D Carpenter, measles, co. F, 16th; J Carpenter, gun shot wound, neck, slight, co. F, 16th; H D Carpenter, do, leg, slight, co. F, 16th; S P Plummer, do, arm, slightly, co. A, 6th; T Eaton, do, hand at Donelson, co., I, 12th; A Larson, diarrhea, co. B, 12th; Seth Paup, fever, co. I, 12th; Marion Rolf, (corp) fever, co. I, 12th; Garry Green, do, (convalescent) co. I, 12th; J L Dupray, (Sargt) dislocated ankle, (convalescent) co. I, 12th; Wm Maynard, gun shot wound, shoulder, slight, co. B, 12th; Wm. Spates, pneumonia, co. C, 15th; Wm McCord, consumptive, co. F, 15th; Daniel Clark, pneumonia, (convalescent) Engineer.
List of sick and wounded Iowa soldiers at the House of Refuge, St. Louis, April 17, [1862]:
A W Grainger, serg, rheumatism, co A, 7th; B Bryant, sick since Jan 16, co B, 7th; H Dobbins, sick since Jan 25, co A, 12th; William J. Blades, compound fracture of leg, co M, 3d cav; Maurice Askern, sick since Jan 16, co K, 3d cav; Francis L Elliott, general debility, co H, 2d; W J Gladwin, hernia; F C Flinn, rheumatism, co F, 2d; G W Greenough, pneumonia, co I, 2d; Joseph James, debility, co I, 3d; Fred Dose, gun shot wound in leg, at Wilson’s creek, co G, 1st S Durham, chronic diarrhea, co C, 6th; C C Wilson, pneumonia, co B, 12th; Martin Halleck, erysipelas, co E, 5th; H D Lynes, pneumonia, co A, 3d cav; James A Howard, arm amputated, co B, 2d; Robert B Partridge, pneumonia, co E, 2d; Edward J Taylor, gun shot wound in hand (Belmont) co B, 7th; Geo M McMurray, typhoid, co G 2d.
The above are all cases prior to April 1st, 1862.
The Following occurred subsequently:
Wm Murphy, pneumonia, co M, 3d cav; Wm Hines, pneumonia, co D, 8th, Albert Boyler, ague, Nich Zachans, gun shot wound in leg, co E 15th, Lyman Drake, ague, co H, 15th; Geo Parker, Catarrh, co K, 2d; Wm Dougherty, gun shot wound, co I, 8th; Wm Turner, do do; Wm Rogan, gun shot wound in leg, slight, co D, 2d; H G Tieman, do, co G, 16th; W Aurlong, do, co H, 5th; Jno. F Reynolds, pneumonia, co D, 6th; Geo McMurry, fever, co G; Cyrus Treater, do co C; Robt Lock, do co e, 2d; chas Stearns, dysentery, co A, 8th; Geo Wright, fever, co D 16th; Thos Lenchan, do co B, 15th; Sebra Howard, fever, co I, 2d regt; Francis Clair, chronic rheumatism, co C, 7th; Chris. A Russell, debility, co D, 4th cavalry; Wm R. Peters, do 5th infantry co E; Richard Martin, do co D, 12th; Robert A Bennett, do co D, 2d; Wm. A. Meeker, fracture, co A, 11th; Edward I Taylor, corp. gunshot wound, co B 7; Wm H. Alexander, hepatitis, co F, 13th reg’t. Elisha cook, debility co D 15th; Martin B Meter, pneumonia, co H 15th, Grastus Nordyke, fracture, co A 15th; David Ditch, chronic diarrhea, co D, 5th; H Hansyel, chronic rheumatism co C, 15th; Benjamin Zane, gun shot wound in [leg], co H, 3d, James M. Allen, gun shot wound in thigh; James M Ripley, do, co H 11th; John H Zollner, do, foot, co. H, 11th, Wm A. Gordon, do, sick, co. H, 11th; Thomas C Nelson, sick, co. F, 12th, Geo Kint, sick, co. F, 12th; B K Wintermute, gun shot wound, co H, 11th; Isaac E Cooper, do, co. K, 11th; James N Hamiel, do, in leg, co. H, 2d.
– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 1
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