
Friday, October 16, 2009




The Ringleaders killed and Peace Restored!

WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, 10 o’clock, A. M. – A dispatch received at Baltimore this morning at 2 o’clock, gives the following information:

The train has arrived. It halted near town, when runners communicated the state of affairs at Harper’s Ferry.

The Jefferson regiment had entered the town from the Virginia side, and the troops from Frederick, Md., crossed the bridge. There as been much firing. Nine are reported killed.


The troops have entered the town. The insurgents are willing to surrender, but only on terms of safe conduct out of the difficulty. If this is not granted them they threaten a sacrifice of lives.

Lewis Washington and Col. Daingerfield are held prisoners by them.

Captain Aaron Stephens, of Connecticut, is now dying from his wounds, and making a confession. – He says the plan of operations has been concocting for a year or more. The parties rendezvoused at a farm near the town, hired for the purpose by Capt. Brown, of Kansas notoriety, under the name of “[Hili] Smith.” Among the insurgents are Kagg Seaman, Brown, of Ohio, and Todd of Maine.


BALTIMORE, Oct. 18. – From our regular reporters. The battle was fought mainly by the railroad and tonnage men from Martinburg, led by Capt. Albertus.

Evan Dorsey, Conductor, is killed, and conductors Bowman and Hollett, wounded. No damage has been done to the railroad or bridge. It is thought that the rioters will be hanged as soon as they are captured in the morning.


BALTIMORE, Oct. 18. – A dispatch from Harper’s Ferry, dated at 6 o’clock this morning, says that preparations are making for an attack upon the Armory. The soldiers are all around the ground, and for the last hour everything has been quiet.

The rioters still have the following persons prisoners, viz: Armistead Ball, draughtsman at the Armory, Benjamin Mills, master at do., John P. Dangerfield, Pay Clerk, Lewis Washington, farmer and a prominent citizen, John Allstadt, farmer, and his son 16 years old. The three last were seized on their farms, several miles from the Ferry.

George Turner, a graduate of West point, and one of the most distinguished citizens of this vicinity, was shot yesterday whilst coming into town and died during the night.

Three of the rioters are lying dead in the street – three lying dead in the river and several said to by lying in the Armory enclosure.

List of Killed amongst the Citizens and Soldiers, as far as Ascertained.

Fountain Beckham, Haywood, a negro porter at the railroad station, Jas. Burnley, of Harper’s Ferry, Evan Dorsey and Geo. Richardson, of Martinburg.

Another rioter named Lewis Leary, has just died. He confessed to the particulars of the plot, which he says was concocted by Brown, at the Fair held in Ohio, two months ago.

The rioters have just sent in a flag of truce. If they are not protected by the soldiers here, they will certainly be hanged.

Still Later.

BALTIMORE, Oct. 18. – A later dispatch, just received, says:

“The Armory has just been stormed and taken, after a determined resistance. Col. Shutt approached it with a flag of truce, and demanded its surrender. After parleying some time his demand was refused. The Marines then advanced to the charge and endeavored to break down the door with sledge hammers, but it resisted all their efforts. A large ladder was then used as a battering ram, and the door gave way. The rioters fired briskly. They shot three of the Marines, and their fire was returned through the partly broken door. The marines then forced their way through the breach, and in a few minutes all resistance was at an end, and the rioters were brought out amidst the most intense excitement. Many of the armed militia are trying to get an opportunity to shoot them.

Capt. Brown and his son are both shot. The latter is dead, the former dying. He is now lying in the Armory enclosure, and talking freely. He says that he is “Old Ossawattamie Brown,” whose feats in Kansas have had such a wide notoriety. – He says further that his whole object was to free the slaves, and justifies his action – that he had entire possession of the town, and could have murdered all the people, but did not, and now he has been murdered in return.

Anderson (another leader) has also been shot down in the assault. He was from Connecticut.

The dead body of the man killed yesterday was found within the Armory.

Brown says that there were none engaged in the plot but those accompanying him. The prisoners are now retained in custody within the Armory enclosure.


BALTIMORE, Oct. 18. – There is intense excitement in our city. Nothing is talked of but the insurrection. Gen. Stewart has communicated an order to General J. W. Watkins to prepare, equip and mount immediately a body of men for service in the mountains near Harpers Ferry, where many of the insurgents have taken refuge. The troops will leave here in the afternoon.

Governor Wise passed the Relay House this morning, in route for Harper’s Ferry.

Three Artillery companies from Fortress Monroe, arrive here this morning, and are quartered at Fort McHenry, waiting for further orders.

Still Later.

HARPER’S FERRY, Oct. 18 – Noon. – Soon after the storming of the Armory, the bodies of the four insurgents who were shot last evening, were found within the enclosure.

Capt. Brown and his son are only dangerously wounded.

The only two of the insurrections who are unwounded, are Edwin Coppick, White. Of Iowa and Shields Green, colored, also of Iowa. the party originally consisted of 22 persons, of whom 15 have been killed, 2 mortally wounded, and 2 unhurt – 3 of them went off with the slaves on Monday morning.

Soon after the assault upon the Armory, something took place from the hills on the Maryland shore, which was supposed to be occupied by Cook and his party, who left here on Monday.


WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. – Secretary Floyd received a dispatch this morning from Col. Lee., dated at 7 o’clock, saying that he called upon the rioters who had barricaded an engine house and the Arsenal Grounds, to surrender, promising to protect them until the wishes of the President, were ascertained. The proposition was made in order to save the lives of the prisoners who were in possession of the insurgents. The message was sent through Lieut. Stewart. The insurgents declined the proposition.

At a preconcerted signal from Lieutenant Green, a detachment of Marines forcibly broke into the engine house, killing two of the rioters, and capturing the remainder. Two of the Marines were wounded, one mortally.

Ossawotomie Brown is mortally wounded. Several officers of the Arsenal and the other prisoners escaped unhurt.

The War Department has dispatched an order for the U. S. Artillery at Fort McHenry, to remain there till further orders.


WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. – Six companies of the Virginia military arrived here this afternoon, but found orders awaiting them to return. Their soldier-like appearance was much admired.

The Alexandria Rifles accompanied the Grays and Company F to the Ferry this morning.

HARPER’S FERRY, Oct. 18. – The Secretary of War has telegraphed Col. Lee that District Attorney Ould, of Washington, will proceed forthwith to the Ferry to take charge of the legal proceedings against the prisoners and bring them to trial.

BALTIMORE, Oct. 18. – The train is now getting ready to convey horses and men from here to pursue the rioters into any State or locality to which they have fled. This is done by order of the President and at the request of Governor Wise.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. – Attorney General Ould proceeded to Harper’s Ferry this evening, with the requisite Federal authorities to try the prisoners.

Later Still.

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa., Oct. 19 – 2 a. m. – No signs hereabouts of the fugitives. A gentleman who left Greencastle at 9 o’clock last night, says that nothing had been seen of them there.

BEDFORD, Pa., Oct. 19. – No signs of the fugitives here.

Late and Important from Harper’s Ferry.

BALTIMORE, Oct. 19 – The following importing intelligence has just been received from Harper’s Ferry:

Last evening a detachment of Marines, with some volunteers, made a visit to Brown’s house. Their first visit was to a school-house, where they found a large quantity of blankets, boots, shoes, clothes, tents and 1500 pikes, with large blades affixed to them. They also discovered a carpet bag containing documents throwing much light upon the affair, together with printed Constitutions and Bylaws of the organization, showing or indicating its ramifications in various States of the Union, amongst them one from Fred. Douglas, containing $10 from a lady (?) – also one from Gerritt Smith about money matters, with a check or draft enclosed for $100, endorsed by the Cashier of a New York Bank, the name of which is not recollected. All these documents are in the possession of Gov. Wise, who has issued a proclamation offering a reward of $4,000 for the arrest of Cook. A large number of armed men are now scouring the mountains in pursuit.


WASHINGTON, October 18. – the following is the anonymous letter which was received by Gov. Floyd, some time ago.

To the Secretary of War.

CINCINNATI, August 20th. – Sir: I have recently received information of a movement of so great importance that I feel it to be my duty to impart it to you without delay – I have discovered the existence of a secret Association having for its object the liberation of the slaves of the South by a general insurrection. The leader of the movement is old John Brown, late of Kansas. He has been in Canada during the winter drilling negroes, and they are only waiting his word to start for the south, to assist the slaves. They have one of their leaders, a white man, in an armory in Maryland, where it is situated I am not enabled to learn. As soon as every thing is ready those of their number who are in the Northern States and Canada are to come in small companies to the place of rendezvous which is somewhere in the mountains of Virginia. They will pass down through Pennsylvania and Maryland, and enter Virginia at Harper’s Ferry. Brown left the North about three or four weeks ago and will arm the negroes and strike a blow in a few weeks; so that whatever is done must be done at once. They have large quantities of arms at their rendezvous and are probably distributing them already. I am not fully in their confidence. This is all the information I can give you. I dare not sign my name to this letter, but trust that you will not disregard my warning.

– Published in The North Carolina Weekly Standard, Raleigh, North Carolina, Wednesday, October 26, 1859, p. 1

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