
Friday, October 16, 2009

The Insurrection At Harper’s Ferry

This is altogether the most alarming and daring insurrectionary demonstration that ever has been made in the United States.

It is a natural corollary to the “irrepressible conflict” doctrine – an emanation and an essence of black Republicanism.

The plan seems to have been deliberately preconcerted. To what extent the leading Sewardites are complicated in it, by their aid and advice, may never be ascertained.

It cannot be reasonably doubted that it was formally inspired by them; and we hope means will be found to bring every guilty wretch connected with it to condign punishment.

The slaveholding states are now more distinctly forewarned than ever as to that which Black Republicanism is prepared to consummate when it gets possession of the reins of the national government. It is the part of wisdom for them to forearm.

In the mean time let the metropolitan authorities look vigilantly and act diligently on behalf of the security of the District.

Let every well disposed resident consider himself a special constable, for the purpose of ascertaining the iniquitous dens of incendiary Sewardites.

That there are desperate Abolitionists in the community prepared to apply the match to the Union cannot be reasonably doubted.

Have the National Era and Republic any subscribers in this city? If so, such are in hostile array to its durable well being.

We suspect that the bloody scheme of Harper’s Ferry had its aiders and abettors in Washington. – We shall not be surprised if it is a concentrating point for the concocting of desperate Black Republican schemes.

The time for striking was in all likelihood arranged here. No moment was so favorable as that which brought the intelligence of triumphant Sewardism in Pennsylvania, Ohio, &c.

Happily, we have an Executive who knows how to conscientiously discharge its duty. Suppose it were represented by a Seward, a Chase, a Banks, or any other Black Republican, what would be the condition of the country?

There must be no temporizing policy pursued towards the insurgents. Their enormities have been such as to turn mercy itself into an executioner.

– Published in The North Carolina Weekly Standard, Raleigh, North Carolina, Wednesday, October 26, 1859, p. 1

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