
Friday, December 4, 2009

Advance of Gen. Banks

WASHINGTON, April 22. – The following has been received at the War Department:

NEW MARKET, Va., April 22. – To Hon. E. M. Stanton:

Our advance is near Harrisonburg. We have troops across the mountains protecting the bridges on the [Shenandoah] at Almy and on the Suray road. To-day we pushed a force forward to Suray. The people were greatly alarmed at first on account of the reports circulated by the rebels as to the treatment they would receive from us, but in the course of a few hours they became quiet and reconciled to our presence.

There are good roads to Warrenton, 25 miles, and a turnpike to Culpepper C. H., the same distance.

In several recent skirmishes with the enemy we lost three men.

Jackson has abandoned the Valley of Virginia permanently, and is en route for Gordonsville, by the way of the mountains.

Every day brings its prisoners and numerous deserters from the rebels.

(Signed) N. P. BANKS, Maj. Gen. Com’g.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 3

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