
Friday, December 4, 2009

The Merrimack

Gen. Mitchell Surprises Huntsville, Ala.

Washington, April 12.

A dispatch to the Secretary of War from Gen. Wool, dated Ft. Monroe, 12th, says the Merrimac has been stationary near Sewall’s Point all day, but in plain sight.

The following dispatch was received by the Sec’y of War:

Headquarters Third Division,
Huntsville, Ala., April 11.

After a forced march of incredible difficulty, leaving Fayetteville yesterday, my advanced guards entered Huntsville this a.m. The city was completely taken by surprise, no one considering the march practicable. We captured 200 prisoners, 15 locomotives, a large number of cars, telegraph apparatus and office and two Southern mails, and we have at last succeeded in cutting the great artery of railway communications between the Southern States.

(Signed) O. M. MITCHELL, Brigadier Gen.

– Published in The Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa, Tuesday, April 15, 1862

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