
Monday, December 21, 2009

From Fort Pickens

NEW YORK, 20. – The Steamer Philadelphia has arrived from Fort Pickens.

Deserters were constantly arriving from Pensacola. The rebels had not evacuated but were moving guns away. The town was under martial law. Large [fires] are seen nightly, indicating that the rebels are destroying their property.

Minard Wood is the sutler who has escaped from the rebels, taking $10,000 in gold. He came passenger in the Philadelphia.

The rebel commander, Col. Jones, issued a proclamation that he would hang all idle people after the [3d] of April.

The steamer Troy, from Newbern, April 17, via Hatteras, April 18, has arrived here. Four companies of the Connecticut 8th had a skirmish on the 12th with 150 rebels who sortied from Fort Macon and drove in our pickets. After a sharp engagement the rebels were driven back to the Fort. During the engagement the Fort fired seventy shots at the forces engaged. Two of our men were wounded. We shall open on Fort Macon on the 21st with mortars and siege guns. Health of troops good.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 4

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