
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our Army At Fredericksburg

WASHINGTON, April 20 – Our forces under Gen. Auger [sic] still occupy the heights of Falmouth opposite and commanding Fredericksburg.

On Friday afternoon, Lieut. Wood of Gen. King’s staff, Lieut. Campbell, 4th artillery and Maj. Dufee of Harris’ Light Cavalry, crossed the Rappahannock under a flag of truce, and communicated with the municipal authorities of the city, all of whom remain. The authorities had called a meeting after the appearance of our troops, and appointed a committee consisting of the Mayor, Mr. Slaughter and three members from each board and three citizens, to confer with our General relative to the occupation of Fredericksburg, and the protection of property. The Council at the same time adopted a resolution declaring that the city since the adoption of the ordinance of secession had been unanimously in favor of disunion and was still firmly attached to the confederacy, surrendering only upon conditions of protection to private property. Arrangements were perfected for a meeting between the Committee and Gen. Auger [sic], to be held yesterday afternoon.

From citizens of Fredericksburg who have crossed over to Falmouth by means of small skiffs, much valuable information has been derived. Most of these affirm that so soon as we take possession of the city and there is no fear of the return of the rebels, a majority of the remaining citizens will be found loyal.

Vast amounts of grain and forage are stored in the immediate vicinity of Fredericksburg, much of which belonged to the rebel army.

The guerrillas besides destroying the bridge, burned the steamers Sagan, Virginia and St. Nicholas and 20 schooners loaded with corn. – The St. Nicholas, it will be remembered was captured by the French Lady and his accomplices, in Chesapeake bay last year.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 4

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