
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Aid For The Wounded

The corresponding Secretary of the Scott County Relief Association reports the following sums as the total amount received by him on behalf of said Association up to last Saturday evening, viz.:

From 1st Ward, Davenport, per Thos. Scott, $85.00
From 4th Ward, Davenport, per J. Burr, $55.50
From 4th Ward, Davenport, per J. L. Reed, $56.60
From 5th Ward, Davenport, per J. L. Reed, $73.20
From 6th Ward, Davenport, per A. C. Fulton, $13.00
From Blue Grass town’p, per James Herron, $23.00
From Buffalo town’p, per M. S. Budlong, $8.00
From Rockingham town’p, perE. Ricker, $7.50
From Winfield town’p, per J. Quinn, $56.05
From Allen’s Grove town’p, per J. Conner, $20.40
From Liberty town’p, per Thos. Graham, $76.46
From Valentine Laux, $.25
From Richardson, West & Co., $3.50
Total, $437.46 [sic]

The following has also been received:

LeClaire, April 19th, 1862.

Mr. E. RUSSELL, Sec. Soldiers’ aid Society, Davenport, Iowa:

Dear Sir: We forward to-day, per steamer Ad. Hine, two boxes of articles directed to J. L. Davies, Treasurer, for the use of soldiers as directed by your committee. The inventory is as follows: 23 feather pillows, 10 moss do., 3 pairs sheets, 8 new bed gowns, 5 pairs drawers, 6 do. Slippers, 12 dozen bandages, 53 towels, 30 handkerchiefs, 2 packages rags, 2 do. lint, 1 bed tick, a lot of tracts and papers. Hoping the boxes may reach your committee all in good order, and be applied in some way to add to the comfort of our brave wounded soldiers, is our wish and prayer.

Very truly yours,
Mrs. T. S. Rogers
Sec. Soldiers’ Aid Society, LeClaire.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 21, 1862, p. 1

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