
Saturday, January 2, 2010

From the Eighth Regiment

Lieut. E. Tichenor and Sergeant J. D. Tichenor, of Co. B, 8th Regiment, arrived here on the Pembina early Saturday morning. They are both wounded, the former in the right shoulder, the ball entering near the shoulder blade and glancing around the neck, finally lodged near the armpit, where it now remains. Sergeant T. was wounded in the thigh. They are both doing well. We are indebted to the Sergeant for the following complete list of his company, including the killed, wounded and missing, sick and able for duty, and comprising every name except those absent on furlough:

Killed. – Privates R. Moody, shot in neck; W. Penrose, shot in head; Z. W. Kelly, shot in bowels.

Wounded in battle April 6th, 1862. – Lieut. E. Tichenor, right shoulder; Sergeant John D. Tichenor, right thigh; Corporal John Christian, left thigh.

Privates Luther McCulloch, in head; Jacob Walker, through chest; R. Murray, forefinger; W. B. Lockwood, in thigh; W. Jaynes, right arm; W. Logan, left side; W. H. Goulder, in arm; H. Barber, in chest; Simson A. Walker, right hand; [H. Lourman], in groin; N. Percell, slightly; O. R. Fluke, in arm; J. Moody, left cheek; A. Merit, left arm and leg; C. Quinn, in leg; C. Lemberg, in ankle; N. Frylinger, slightly in arm.

Missing and Prisoners – Capt. F. H. Cleaveland; Sergeant J. More; Corporals F. B. Kittenring [sic], J. W. Thorn, J. Wagoner. W. W. Black.

Privates John W. Haynes, R. Selden, R. H. Hughes, J. Reese, A. Reid, D. Coates, F. B. Monhoven [sic], A. Trunky, J. B. Frazer, T. Harris, J. Donahue, D. S. Fuller, W. Bailey, O. Ives, S. Heckman, J. Q. Page, J. C. Ragen, J. J. Stewart, G. Watthen, B. Evans, M. Hender, J. E. Rowan, W. Howell, G. Jones, G. E. Lacy, A. Larwe, W. Piatts, C. B. Clark, W. Armstrong, S. Gutbrode; R. L. Gallatin, E. Young.

Sick in Camp, not in Battle. – Lieut. M. P. Benton; Privates J. T. Logan, R. Daymon, C. S. Gallaway, John Witesel, Edward Welch, Samuel Cramer.

Sick on Boat. - Corporal James N. Gardner.

Present at Roll-Call after the Battle. – Sergts. B. F. Craig and W. McMath; Corporals F. H. LeClaire and H. T. Holmes; Privates P. H. Cambridge, John P. Adams, W. Mills, C. A. Downing, W. R. Chatterton, G. Nicholson, W. J. Creswell, and T. White; Musicians Walter Rust, G. Coons, and W. Hazelton.

Summary – 3 killed, 20 wounded, 38 missing, 8 sick, 15 remaining. Total, 84.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 21, 1862, p. 1

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