The recent order of the Treasure Department, forbidding the shipment of coal to foreign and home ports south of the Delaware, has been so far modified as to confine it north of Cape Strome, South America, and west of that longitude.
A message reached the Senate from the President to-day, touching the arrest of ex-Secretary Cameron and the instance of Pierce Butler. The President avows Butler’s arrest to be his act, done under his authority, and avows that it was justified by State necessity.
The Nomination of Col. Tuttle, of the 2d Iowa, as a Brigadier General has been determined upon.
Gen. Rosecrans is in command of a corps. He will soon be heard from.
The following telegraph gives the rebel account of a skirmish in North Carolina, of which we have no news:
GOLDSBORO, April 15.
On Monday last, below Pollockville near Kinston, a skirmish took place between a detachment of the 2d North Carolina cavalry regiment and the enemy’s pickets, Lieut. Col. Robinson who commanded is probably a prisoner. Capt. Turner was hurt by a fall from his horse. Five privates are seriously injured, and five wounded with gun shots.
Special to the World.
Information has been received that Gen. Joe Johnston has about 3,000 rebel troops and Gordonsville, and ready to fall back on North Anna river preparatory to a general retreat to Richmond.
Herald’s Dispatch.
We learn from the Petersburg (Va.) Express that a requisition has been made upon the lave owners of Prince George and Surry counties for one-half the negroes between the ages of 16 and 50 years to repair to Williamsburg, where the rebel General Magruder’s reserves are posted to work on the fortifications, which are designated to protect Yorktown in the rear.
Special to Tribune.
Probably no definite decision has yet been arrived at by the government in the case of the Tangier prisoners now at Boston.
Special to Post.
The House committee on Foreign affairs has agreed to report a bill for the appointment of a commission on national defences to consist of two officers of the army, two of the navy and two civilians of scientific attainments.
– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 23, 1862, p. 1
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