
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Colonel Matthew M. Trumbull


Matthew M. Trumbull is an Englishman, and about thirty-eight years of age. Of the date of his immigration to the United States, as, indeed, of all his early history, I am ignorant.

Colonel Trumbull entered the service in the spring of 1861, as captain of Company I, 3d Iowa Infantry, and served with that regiment with distinction till November, 1862, having in the meantime been promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. The history of his military services while connected with the above named regiment will be found in the sketch of Colonel Wilson G. Williams.

After resigning his commission in the 3d Iowa, the colonel returned to his home in Clarksville, Iowa, and soon after received an appointment in the adjutant-general's office. He was commissioned colonel of the 9th Iowa Cavalry in the fall of 1863, and in the following Winter accompanied it to the field.

There is little of general interest connected with the history of the 9th Iowa Cavalry. Its field of service has been confined to Arkansas, the head-quarters of the regiment having been maintained a chief portion of the time at Brownsville, midway between Duvall's Bluff and Little Rock. Its most active and laborious service was performed while General Steele was in a state of siege at Little Rock. During this time, it engaged the enemy in frequent skirmishes, but none of them were of much importance.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 651

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