
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Important from Beauregard

NEW YORK, April 21.

The Herald has the following letter:

“The latest information from the South is of the utmost importance. Beauregard’s army has been terribly demoralized, and according to his own information he has now only 35,000 men. The following telegram has been intercepted by Gen. Mitchell, and is a full confession of the hopelessness of the rebel cause in the West:

“CORINTH, April 9.

“To Gen. SAMUEL COOPER, Richmond:

“All present probabilities are that whenever the enemy moves on this position, he will do so by an overwhelming force of not less than 85,000 men. We can now muster only about 35,000 effectives. Van Dorn may possibly join us in a few days with about 35,000 more. Can we be reinforced from Pemberton’s army? If defeated here we lose the Mississippi Valley, and probably our cause. Whereas, we could even afford to lose, for a while, Charleston and Savannah, for the purpose of defeating Buell’s army, which would not only leave us the valley of the Mississippi, but our independence.”

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 23, 1862, p. 1

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