
Friday, March 12, 2010

Latest from Yorktown

NEAR YORKTOWN, April 24th, 1862.

The weather is again pleasant, and roads are beginning to improve.

The preparations for carrying out the plans of the Commander-in-Chief are being rapidly pushed forward to completion.

Deserters from the 6th Alabama regiment, came in our lines yesterday. They represent the rebel forces at 100,000, and that they are busily engaged in constructing works in the rear of their present lines.

They had no knowledge of the arrival of Jeff Davis.

On Tuesday the rebels came out from their rifle pits in front of Lee’s Mills, killing one of our pickets. After he was dead about 30 of them fired their pieces into his head, completely riddling it with bullets. The officer then commanding the reserve ordered his men to charge on the rebels which was willingly responded to, resulting in several of them being killed and taken prisoners. Two men were killed on our side and one mortally wounded.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 26, 1862, p. 2

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