
Friday, March 12, 2010

New York Items

NEW YORK, April 24.

The schooner Evelina, from Nassau, N.P., arrived to-night, bringing passengers from the steamship Karnack, lost in the Nassau harbor on the 14th inst., by grounding in full sight of the wharf. The mails and passengers were saved, and most of her cargo. The Evelina was chartered by the passengers, who could obtain no transportation through the secession agents of the Cunard line at Nassau.

The rebel steamer Nashville, now called the Thomas L. Wragg, had returned to Nassau, from an unsuccessful attempt to run the blockade at Charleston. One of her paddle boxes is badly injured, it is supposed by a cannon ball. She has a full cargo of guns and ammunition, brought by the Gladiator from England.

The steamer Ella Worley, with potash and salt petre, was soon to sail for some Southern port.

The steamer Cecil had arrived at Nassau from Charleston.

Several rebel vessels are reported at Nassau.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 26, 1862, p. 2

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