
Monday, March 15, 2010

Local Matters

THE PEWS of Trinity Church will be let this (Monday) morning at 10 1-2 o’clock, for the year commencing May 1st.

HOUSE FOR RENT, containing seven rooms, good cellar, well and cistern; good barn and outhouses; large lot, plenty of shrubbery, &c. Inquire of I. W. Harrison land agent.

SOMETHING NEW in the way of wall paper is coming and will be opened at Plummer’s, No. 50 Brady street, in two or three days. Look out for the finest patterns ever seen in this part of the country.

CHILD LOST. – A girl named Emma Yapp, daughter of Mrs. Yapp, residing in Farnam street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth, left home last Wednesday afternoon, and has not been heard from since. She had on, when she left, a blue dress, grey cloak and blue hood. Any information on her whereabouts will be thankfully received by her mother, or may be left with Luse, Lane & Co., Perry street, near Third. The girl is about twelve years old.

SORGHUM MILL. – Mr. N. B. Wallace, of this city, is making arrangements to erect a mill on Locust west of Harrison street, for the purpose of converting sorghum cane into syrup. His works will be propelled by steam and be in readiness for the coming crop. He will be able to manufacture the product of at least two hundred acres of cane. If Mr. W. finds it to his advantage, he will connect machinery with his mill for refining the syrup.

A HARD CASE. – The man and woman at whose house the row between the soldiers occurred, were brought before Justice Wheeler yesterday, and fined $3 and costs. The case of this couple or rather their children, is a sad one. They are drunk most of the time, while they have three or four children, who of course can get only indifferent training under such examples. The officer who arrested them informed us that the husband had in his pocket, when arrested, a certificate showing him to be entitled to $600 in June, and the same amount a year afterward. Of course, in their present way of living, that amount of money might as well be donated to the whisky-sellers in town at once, for it seems bound to go there eventually. It is a pity if the case can be represented, that some way cannot be devised for securing the expected funds to the children.

CHEAP STRAW HATS. – R. Krause has the largest stock of straw hats in town, and will sell them lower than ever heretofore offered.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 28, 1862, p. 1

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