
Friday, April 30, 2010

Ex-Governor Stewart of Missouri . . .

. . . who is a candidate for Congress in the St. Joe district is out in favor of emancipation – yes – EMANCIPATION! He avows himself in favor of abolishing slavery in Missouri. Is not this perfectly awful? Gov. Stewart was the last loyal Governor of Missouri – was nominated and elected as a Democrat. Is it not most remarkable that a Democrat, of so high position and standing, whose fidelity was above suspicion, should have fallen into the slough of fanaticism and Abolitionism! Father Mahoney should make haste to fulminate a [bill] of excommunication against him and send it down to Missouri by the hand of his faithful esquire, the dignified, the respectable, the pious, white cravated Hendershot of Wepello. This last person, when he comes in sight of the recusant ex-governor, should be instructed to put on his most killing and withering look, crying with a loud voice Abolitionist! ABOLITIONIST!! ABOLITIONIST!!! If he can stand this the case is past the reach of surgery – put him out!

But suppose that this fanaticism which seems to be catching, should break out in Missouri, as in Western Virginia – suppose that a majority of the people of that State should declare against slavery and should abolish it, what will be the effect? Evidently the Union can never be restored just as it was. Never. And the resurrectionists say they never will accept the Union unless it is restored just as it was! Here is a complication.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 2

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