
Friday, April 30, 2010

The following names of the killed and wounded . . .

. . . are given in Lieut. Col. Moss’ official report of a scouting expedition, organized April 13th, and composed of companies D and K, 1st Iowa Cavalry, which [succeeded] in destroying a roving band of rebels in Vernon county, Mo., killing among others, the notorious Dan Henley, the wild [Irishman] of St. Clair and Vernon counties:

Killed – Privates Jas. Whitford, and Oscar Crumb.

Wounded – Sergt. Jas. Lyon, co. K, in shoulder, severely; Privates Thos. Tupper, co. K, severely; Enoch Shannon, co. D, severely; Jacob Harsh, co. D, slightly.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 2

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