
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grover S. Wormer to William Hoffman, June 3, 1862

Fort Mackinac, [Mich.,] June 3,1862.

Col. W. HOFFMAN, U. S. Army,
Commissary-General of Prisoners, Detroit, Mich,

COLONEL: Yours of the 24th and 26th came duly to hand and contents noted. Your instructions shall be strictly adhered to and carried out. The prisoners which I have in my charge are Washington Barrow, William G. Harding and Joseph C. Guild, state prisoners of war sent from Tennessee. On my arrival here from Detroit I allowed them to go to the hotel to board and lodge, under guard of one sergeant and three men (and on parole), who guarded the house both day and night, and when they took a walk about the island they always went with them. About ten days ago their quarters were completed and since that time I have had them sleep and remain in the fort except to go to their meals, which I gave them one and a half hours to walk and take, which is equal to four and a half hours per day. They are always guarded by three armed men. I have received a cooking stove for the prisoners' quarters without furniture, not even a spider. I have this day bought what furniture will answer them, also some cheap table furniture, and will have the prisoners live in their quarters this week. They are very anxious to know whether they will be permitted to have their families here, which you will see by the inclosed note* addressed to me. I will write. I will do as you desired.

I remain, your obedient servant,

G. S. WORMER, Captain, Commanding Post.

* Not found.

SOURCE: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies During the War of the Rebellion, Series II, Volume 3, p. 636

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