
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Arrival of the America

HALIFAX, Feb. 10.

The America, from Liverpool 25th ult., via Queenstown 26th, has arrived.

Sales of cotton Saturday, 5,000 bales; market closing quiet. Breadstuffs dull. – Provisions heavy. Consols 92 3-4a92 7-8.

There are vague rumors that the Emperor Napoleon has notified that he will shortly officially demand joint action in raising the blockade of the Southern ports of the U. S. If England refuses to take part, he will take the initiative alone.

The London Times continues to urge England not to interfere, and says, the nation can afford to wait.

The pirate Sumter is reported Cruising off Genoa.

FRANCE. – The Emperor’s speech to the Corps Legislatif, on the 25th, was expected with great interest, under the belief that he will say something important on American affairs.

The London Times in another editorial says, we need not be eager to meddle with American affairs. This is the time for waiting and we can afford to wait quite easily as the North and South can afford to be looking across the Potomac, at a cost of two million pounds a week each of them. – If there does come any real cause of complaint, it will tell all the more our present patience and forbearance.

The London Globe editorially remarks that the maritime powers cannot be expected to respect Federal blockades unless really effective. The commerce of the world cannot suffer itself to be despoiled for an indefinite period under a mere paper blockade.

As to intervention, says the Globe, We may be invited or offered to intervene, but our great aim must be to preserve consistency with our principles.

In a letter from Mr. Seward to Smith O’Brien, in response to the latter’s recently proffered advice, Mr. Seward urges Mr. O’Brien, if he would promote the cause of America, of Great Britain and humanity at large, to speak and act in every case and without qualification for the American Union. Mr. Seward’s tone is highly patriotic for Union, and friendly towards European powers, in regard to whom he is determined to stand always not only in the right, but upon the defensive.

Geo. Thompson had been lecturing again at Manchester on American affairs. His remarks were mainly in response to a late speech of Mr. Massy at Salford, whose statements he branded as absolutely false, and a great injustice to the North. The lecturer said the breaking of the blockade would be a wicked and fiendish act, and no greater crime could be created against any country. He had faith, however, in the pacific and neutral policy of Earl Russell.

The Times, in an editorial on Mr. Sumner’s speech, protests against any suggestion that England has budged one step from her former position with respect to her rights, either neutral or belligerent. What she agreed to at the Congress of Paris, she still stands by, and what she had before limited only by those concessions she has still. The case of the Trent has made no new phase whatever.

A telegram of the 22d ult., from Algiers, says, on Monday a prolonged cannonading was heard here, proceeding, apparently from a distance about six miles form shore.

A vessel was sighted this morning which is supposed to be the Sumter. It is presumed she sank her adversary.

The above is considered doubtful, as an Algiers telegram of the 24th ult. says the Sumter has been seen in the Genoese waters, a few leagues off the port of Genoa.

The Gibraltar Chronicle says the United States Consul at Cadiz protested against the assistance given the Sumter at that port. The authorities, however, considered themselves bound to afford such aid as was indispensable. The Sumter having sprung a leak near the screw she was permitted to effect the necessary repairs in the arsenal.

Worst fears were realized relative to the accident at the Hartley Coal Mines. Not one of the buried miners was found alive.

The has been very stormy weather on the Irish Chanel. There were several vessels wrecked and some loss of life.

FRANCE. – The dissatisfaction with M. Fould’s Budget was apparently giving way.

The Paris Bourse on the 24th ult. was buoyant. Rentes advanced 1-2 per cent. and closed 70/75c.

SPAIN. – The Minister of State has declared in Congress that Spain would demand reparation from Mexico on account of the war of independence. It was also stated that Spain had received an official communication respecting any further resolution of France and England in reference to Mexico. He concluded by saying that Spain would fittingly support the interests of Mexico.

PRUSSIA. – A rupture was anticipated between the Prussian Government and the Archbishop of Posen, who in a letter to the minister of Public Worship, defends the national attitude assumed by his countrymen.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 11, 1862, p. 1

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