
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

From St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 10.

The following telegram has been received at headquarters:


To Major General Halleck:– Your energy and ability receive the strongest commendation of this department. You have my perfect confidence, and you may rely upon my utmost support in your undertaking. The pressure of my engagements has prevented me from writing, but I will do so fully in a day or two.

Signed, EDWARD M. STANTON, Secretary of War.

Also the following to Major General Halleck:– Thank Gen. Grant, flag officer Foote and their command for me.

Signed, GEO. B. McCLELLAN, Commander-in-Chief.

A dispatch dated the 6th, received by Gen. Halleck, states that Gen. Curtis is south of Lebanon, and had taken 29 prisoners, including 2 captains and one quarter-master; also a quantity of flour.

The Republican’s special says the army is still encamped at Ft. Henry, and preparations for further movements go vigorously forward. The river is high, and part of Ft. Henry is over flowed. Five more regiments are expected to arrive from Cairo in a few days.

An unfinished fortification called Fort Heiman, opposite Ft. Henry, has been taken possession of.

The panic is so extensive in Tennessee that the river is considered open for the Union fleet to its head waters.

The late garrison of Ft. Henry have taken refuge at Ft. Donelson, making the force there between 7,000 and 8,000.

A southern mail was captured by Capt. Logan. It contained letters from high officers, speaking of the demoralizing effect of the defeat at Somerset, and stating another at Fort Henry would be almost irreparable.

The steamer Arrow, being chased by the gun-boat Conestoga, was fired by her crew and abandoned. Several other steamers are said to have fallen into the hands of the gun-boats Conestoga and Lexington.

The Gunboats sent up the Tennessee will probably go as far as Florence, Ala.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 11, 1862, p. 1

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