
Monday, June 21, 2010

Lieutenant Colonel Samuel R. Edgington

Lieutenant Colonel Samuel R. Edginton [sic], was born near Mansfield, Ohio, May 12, 1827. At the age of 18 he enlisted in 9th Ohio and served with that regiment in the Mexican war; was married to Miss Lois Beal in 1849; removed to Iowa in 1852 and was among the first settlers of Eldora, where he engaged in mercantile business until 1861, when he recruited Company A, of the 12th Iowa. At Shiloh he commanded the regiment after Colonel Woods was wounded and was taken prisoner with his regiment. Upon reorganization of the regiment he was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel and almost immediately thereafter took command of the regiment retaining such command, most of the time, until August, 1863, when he resigned his commission and returned to his home at Eldora, Iowa, where he kept a hotel. He died May 20, 1888.

See 12th Iowa Reunion pamphlet of 1888 for further particulars.

SOURCE: David W. Reed, Campaigns and battles of the Twelfth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 246-7

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