
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Obituary: Walter E. Partridge, Pvt., Co. F, 36th Illinois Infantry

Walter E. Partridge was born in Berkshire, England, June 1, 1833, departed from this life March 16, 1910, at the age of 76 years 9 months and 16 days. He came to his country when but fifteen years of age, first locating in Maryland, later going to Pennsylvania and from thence to Illinois. He was married to Miss Harriet Cottew at Ottawa, Illinois, May 16, 1860. To this union was born ten children, 4 girls and 6 boys. There lives to mourn his loss, a wife, 9 children and twenty-four grandchildren, George, Charley, Hugh, Mrs. Lizzie Reese and Frank of Alta, Mrs. Martha Miller of Linn Grove, Ida Tutt of Marathon and Mrs. Katherine Sassman of Albert City and A. L. Partridge of Lake Wilson, Minnesota, also two sisters living in England. At the call for volunteers he was among the first to offer his [assistance] in behalf of his country, enlisting September 9, 1861, at Aurora, Illinois, as a member of Co. F. 36th Infantry, joining his regiment at St. Louis. Four long years he endured the hardships of army life, being twice wounded in battles. He faught at Pea Ridge, Perryville, Stone River, Chickamaugua, Misionary Ridge, Franklin, Nashville and was with Sherman in his march to Atlanta. He was mustered out at New Orleans and was honorably discharged at Springfield, Illinois a little later. He remained in Illinois untill 1882, when he came to Buena Vista County, where he remained till the time of his death. He was a member of the Stephen A. Hulbert Post. No. 82 in Alta, Iowa

Mrs. W. E. Partridge and family desire to express their heartfelt thanks to the kind friends, who in so many ways assisted them in their recent bereavement.

- Published in The Atla Advertiser, Alta, Iowa, March 25, 1910, p. 1 col. 3 & 4

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