
Saturday, July 31, 2010

From Fort Monroe


By a flag of truce to-day we learn the complete success of the Burnside expedition at Roanoke Island. The Island was taken possession of and Com. Lynd’s fleet completely destroyed.

Elizabeth City was attacked on Sunday, and evacuated by the inhabitants. The city was previously burned, whether by our shells or the inhabitants is not certain.

The first news of the defeat arrived at Norfolk on Sunday afternoon, and caused great excitement.

The previous news was very satisfactory, stating that the Yankees had been allowed to advance for the purpose of drawing them into a trap.

The rebel force on the island is supposed to have been little over 3,000 fighting men.

Gen. Wise was sick at Nag’s Head, and was not present during the engagement. – when the situation became dangerous he was removed to Norfolk.

All the gunboats but one were taken, and that escaped up a creek, and was probably destroyed.

One report says that only 70, and another that only 25, of the rebels escaped from the island. Gen. Huger telegraphed to Richmond that only 50 on the islanded escaped.

There appears to be no bright side of the story from the rebels.

The Richmond Examiner, this morning in the leading editorial, says:

“The loss of our entire army on Roanoke Island is certainly the most painful event of the war. The intelligence by yesterday’s telegraph is fully confirmed. Twenty-five hundred brave troops, on an island in the sea, were exposed to all the force of the Burnside fleet. They resisted with the most determined courage; but when 15,000 Federal troops were landed against them, retreat being cut off by the surrounding elements, they were forced to surrender. – This is a repetition of the Hatteras affair on a large scale.”

The following dispatches on the subject are taken from the Richmond papers of this morning:

NORFOLK, Feb. 10.

The latest news states that O. Jennings Wise, son of Gov. Wise was shot through the hip, and disabled.

Maj. Lawson and Lieut. Miller were mortally wounded. About 300 Confederates were killed. The wounded number over 1,000. The number of Yankees wounded is about the same.


A rumor has prevailed that Com. Lynd’s fleet of gun-boats had been captured. It is not regarded as true, but it is believed that all were burned by the Confederates to prevent their capture, with the exception of one, which was endeavoring to make its escape. The fleet went to Elizabeth City from Roanoke Island, and was probably burnt at the former point.


NORFOLK, February 10.

A dispatch was received at Richmond at midnight, stating as follows:

A courier arrived here this p.m. at four o’clock, and brought the intelligence that Elizabeth City was burned this morning by its inhabitants. During the conflagration the Federals landed a large force. All our gun-boats, excepting one, were captured by the enemy. Gen. Wise has not yet arrived at Norfolk.

The following – the very latest – we copy form the Norfolk Day Book:

A courier arrived here yesterday p.m. at about three o’clock, from whom we gather the following information: The enemy advanced in full force upon Elizabeth City yesterday about 7 o’clock and began an attack upon the place. The citizens thinking resistance vain evacuated the place, but before doing so set fire to the town, and when our informant left it was still in flames. We have also to record the capture by the enemy of all our little fleet except the Fanny or Forrest. Our informant is not certain which eluded the enemy. She was pursued, however, and fears are entertained that she was captured. It is said that before our boats surrendered they were abandoned, and that their crews succeeded in making their escape. If so, we are at a loss to conjecture why the boats were not fired before they were abandoned.

This disaster to our little fleet is attributed to the fact that having exhausted their supply of coal and ammunition, they proceeded to Elizabeth City for the purpose of obtaining supplies. Every effort was made to obtain coal, but without success, and the boats could not therefore return to the Island and send any assistance whatever to our forces.

All the details, as published with reference to the capture of Roanoke Island, are confirmed by the courier, who represents our loss at 300 killed and 1,000 wounded, and that of the enemy not less than 1,000 killed.

Great havoc was made among the enemy while coming up the road leading to the Fort. Our soldiers brought to bear upon them two 32-pounders, and at every fire their ranks were terribly thinned. The places of the fallen, however were quickly filled.

The Park Point battery was manned by the Richmond Blues, and most nobly did they defend it during the conflict. They were attacked by a whole regiment of Zouaves, and though completely overpowered, they stood their ground; they did not yield a foot till all but seven of them had fallen bleeding to the ground.

There is good reason to believe that had Col. Henningsen, with his artillery, been on the island it would not have been forced to surrender.

It is reported that one regiment from Massachusetts was badly cut up, but it is impossible to ascertain which of the five it was that were attached to the expedition.

All the Southern papers received to-day are unanimous in admitting a complete victory for our troops, and in saying the loss of the island is a very serious one. The news received to-day occasioned great excitement at Old Point.

A steamer with official dispatches from Gen. Burnside is hourly expected.

The prisoners captured, numbering at least 2,000, will be here in a few days.

A flag of truce was sent to Craney Island early this morning, to inform Gen. Huger that the prisoners of war from Ft. Warren had arrived. The rebel Steamer West Point came out from Norfolk, and the prisoners were transferred. They numbered 4 Captains, 3 1st Lieutenants, 6 2d Lieutenants, 2 3d Lieutenants and 384 privates and colored servants. They were taken at Hatteras and Santa Rosa, and are the last of the prisoners of war at Ft. Warren, except. Com. Barron.

The Norfolk boat brought here the Captain of the transport Osceola, which was part of Gen. Sherman’s expedition, which was wrecked on the coast of Georgia, Nov. 2d, and the Captain and the whole crew taken prisoners.

The latest intelligence from Savannah is that the Federal gun boats were at Wall’s Cut, and opening which [communicates] with Savannah without passing Ft. Pulaski.

A dispatch from Charleston to Richmond says that, on the 9th, Fort Pickens, with the Niagara and Colorado, opened fire on Forts McRae and Barrancas and the Navy Yard. After some hours’ bombardment, both vessels hauled off. Both are said to be badly damaged.

There has been some skirmishing between the Federals and the rebels at Port Royal.

The city of Savannah was being strongly fortified.

We find the following additional news from various points of the South in the papers received to-day:

Ex-Gov. Campbell declines the tender of the appointment of a Brigadier General, and assigns as a reason his physical incapability to perform the duties of the office. He was to have filled the place vacated by the death of Gen. Zollicoffer.

The bill to raise troops to meet the requisition of Virginia by the President of the Confederate States, passed both branches of the Va. General Assembly on Monday in secret session. The bill provides that all companies now in the field shall be filled up to the number of 100 men; that the Governor shall call for volunteers for this purpose, and that if the requisite number be not thus enlisted the deficiency is to be made up by draft from the enrolled militia.

The injunction of secrecy has been removed from the bill passed by Congress appropriating $2,000,000 for the benefit of the State of Kentucky.

James Lyons is probably elected to congress, to supply the vacancy caused by the death of John Tyler.

The War department has issued an order for the seizure of all corn in the hands of distillers or others for the purpose of distillation. This step is taken not only on account of the pernicious effects of the unlimited manufacture of whiskey, but also because of the exorbitant prices that Government is obliged to pay for an article indispensable to the subsistence of the army.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 13, 1862, p. 1

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