
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Proceedings Of The City Council


WEDNESDAY, February 12.

All the members were present except Ald. Le Claire and Parker. In the absence of the Mayor Ald. Davenport was called to the chair. The minutes of the last three meetings were approved.

The petitions of J. R. Johnson, John Wunderlich and Howard Darlington, relative to erroneous assessment, and of J. W. Woodward for a reductions of taxes, were presented and referred to the committee on claims and the city attorney. The petition of B. S. Glaspell, for a new street near Division street was presented and referred to the committee on streets; and that of John Armil, to vacate a portion of his second addition, was referred to the same committee and the city attorney. The petition of Otto Klug, for permission to build a sewer from his store house to the Main street sewer, was granted.

The committee on fire and water reported on the communication of W. G. Jones, chief engineer, favorably to providing 1,000 feet of new hose. The report was adopted.

Ald. Renwick offered a resolution instructing the committee to procure the requisite amount of hose. Adopted.

The bond of C. W. Verder, as city assessor, was approved.

The report of the City Marshal was presented. His collections last month were, on the tax of 1858, $403.55; on that of 1861, $1,724; total, $2,128.61.

A number of claims, to the aggregate amount of $967.86, were presented and ordered paid. The largest claim was that of Richardson, West & Co., to the amount of $663.25, for advertising delinquent tax list.

Mr. Thorington presented a copy of the writ of injunction on file in the County Clerk’s office, restraining the City Treasurer from paying out any money, under the resolution of January 9, to the Amory Committee.

Mr. Thorington, of the Armory Committee, addressed the Council on the subject of the Armory – stating the progress made at Washington, and the present prospect of the Armory question. He expresses the opinion, and supported it by statements of facts and opinions with which he had become familiar, that Rock Island’s prospects for the Armory were as good as those of any other place, if not better; but there were very decided symptoms that no Armory bill would get through the House, but would likely be smothered. He expressed the belief that our interests had been as carefully attended to as those of any other locality.

Ald. Renwick offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the resolution passed at the last regular meeting of this council, appropriating $250 toward defraying the expenses of the armory committee to Washington, be and the same is hereby reconsidered and repealed.

The yeas and nays were called and stood:

YEAS. – Renwick, Schmidt, Weinert. – 3.

NAYS. – Coulthart, Gillett, Glasman, Kaufman, Noe, Peters. – 6.

Ald. Renwick offered the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered by the city council to the armory committee, for the faithful discharge of their duty while in the city of Washington. Adopted.

Ald. Peters offered the following which was adopted.

Resolved, That the committee on public buildings and public grounds, are hereby instructed to examine the roof of the building known as the council chamber, and to report at the next meeting, the best method of repairing the same. Adopted.

Ald. Gillett moved that the thanks of the city council be tendered to the armory committee for the faithful manner in which they have performed their duty.

Ald. Peters introduced an ordinance requiring the owners and occupants of property to remove the snow from their sidewalks. Laid over for one week.

On motion, Council adjourned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 13, 1862, p. 1

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