
Friday, August 13, 2010

Andrew J. Myers

MYERS, A. J. — Farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 10. P. O. West Pilot. Was born June 26, 1843, in Knox county, Ohio. When six years of age he moved with his parents to this State and settled in Mahaska county where he lived three years. He then moved to Poweshiek county, Iowa, where he lived until the breaking out of the war, and then enlisted in the Thirteenth Iowa infantry, company I, in 1861, and served until March. 1862, and was discharged on account of ill health. He again enlisted in August, 1862, in company C, Twenty-Eighth Iowa infantry, and served until the end of the war. He was in the battles of Port Gibson, Raymond, and Champion's Hill, where he was wounded and laid up for one year. He was mustered out in August, 1865, and he returned to Poweshiek county. He came to this county in 1866. He was married in 1866 to Mrs. Catharine Coover and by this union have five children: Perry C., Emery E., Drusilla C. George W. and Jessie L. Mr. Myers has been township clerk for four years, and is elected for the two ensuing years. He is a man who takes a warm interest in the welfare of the county. He now owns a fine farm of 80 acres.

SOURCE: Union Historical Company, The History Of Iowa County, Iowa (1881), p. 689

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