
Friday, August 13, 2010

Brigadier General William T. Clark

Clark, William T., brigadier-general, was born in Norwalk, Conn., June 29, 1831. Entering the Civil war at its outbreak in 1861, as a private, he was promoted through the grades to the rank of brevet major-general of volunteers, which was conferred on him Nov. 24, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services. Gen. Clark enlisted from Iowa, became 1st lieutenant and adjutant in the 13th Iowa infantry, Nov. 2, 1861; was promoted captain and assistant adjutant-general, March 6, 1862; major, Nov. 24, 1862; lieutenant-colonel, Feb. 10, 1863; and brigadier-general of volunteers, May 31, 1865. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers July 22, 1864, for distinguished service at the battle of Atlanta. Gen. Clark was chief of staff and adjutant-general of the Army of the Tennessee until the battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864, and afterwards commanded a brigade and a division. Being honorably mustered out of the service, Feb. 1, 1866, he engaged in business in Galveston, Tex., and was a member of Congress from the Galveston district from 1869 to 1873. While in Congress he secured the first appropriation of $100,000 for the Galveston harbor, which resulted in the completion of the jetties, making Galveston one of the most important ports in the United States. At this writing (1903) Gen. Clarke is the last surviving adjutant and chief of staff of Grant's old Army of the Tennessee.

SOURCE: Federal Publishing Company, The Union Army, Vol. 3 Biographical, p. 56

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