
Monday, August 9, 2010

The Difference

The difference between the semi-secession papers and the Hawk Eye is this. We desire all our Generals shall succeed. We desire to see heavy blows struck in every direction until every fort, and arsenal, and city, and place is recovered and the last armed rebel struck down. If General McClellan succeeds, as we hope most ardently that he may, we shall applaud him to the echo. Let him drive on towards Richmond – let him smite the enemy wherever found and strike the last great and decisive blow. We with all loyal people throughout the country, will award him all honor and praise. But the moment he does strike so as to hurt the rebels, the secession prints will drop him like a hot potatoe [sic]. They never have any thing good to say of any of our Generals who do anything to hurt the rebels. We have placed Yorktown to the credit of General McClellan and the army of the Potomac, and [hope] soon to make other entries on the same side of the account.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p 1

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