
Monday, August 9, 2010

ST. LOUIS, May 3, 1862

Editor Hawk Eye, - For the benefit and information of those who have sick and wounded relatives in the St. Louis hospitals from our State, I wish to say that Judge Thos W J Long, of Camanche, is at present in St. Louis generously devoting his whole time towards getting pay rolls for the soldiers, helping them off home as fast as they are able to be moved, and doing everything in his power to alleviate their sufferings, without any charge or remuneration whatever. He has already done a great deal for our Iowa wounded there, and expects to remain just as long as he can be of service to them. As one of the most honorable and influential citizens of Clinton county, and well known in the State, our people can rely upon his assistance and counsel in looking after their wounded friends in the hospitals.

Mr. W. A. Saunders, of Mt. Pleasant, has also been staying in St. Louis for some time, devoting his attention in the same direction, and has accomplished a great deal of good. Our state should keep a good man there all the time to attend to these matters, and not leave it to be done by one or two citizens at their own expense.

Yours truly,

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p 1

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